
1. **净化脑部能量,提升理性思考**:在现代社会中,人们常常承受着巨大的压力,海蓝宝石被认为可以帮助净化脑部能量,当遇到难题时,佩戴海蓝宝石轻轻刮动后脑勺和颈部,有助于恢复理性思考,提升思绪和意志力。

2. **改善语言能力和喉咙健康**:海蓝宝石被认为能提升人的口头表达能力和语言能力,对于喉咙健康和淋巴系统的平衡也有积极作用。在感冒或牙痛时,将海蓝宝石珠子放在疼痛处,可以缓解不适。


3. **呼吸系统健康**:海蓝宝石适合呼吸系统不适的人佩戴,特别是咽部不适的人,可以加强表达能力、说服力、企划能力,并且作为旅行者的平安符。

4. **带来幸运与勇气**:海蓝宝石被称为勇敢者之石,代表着幸福和幸运。对于三月份出生的人,佩戴海蓝宝可以使人变得更加勇敢和有先见之明。

5. **情绪安抚与压力缓解**:海蓝宝石具有安抚情绪、缓解压力的效果,可以帮助人们形成积极向上的心态,面对挑战。


6. **增强灵通能力与直觉**:海蓝宝石被认为可以增强灵通能力,提高自我意识,帮助平衡内心,减轻压力和焦虑。

7. **美容护肤功效**:海蓝宝石含有丰富的微量元素和矿物质,佩戴后,这些元素可能被皮肤吸收,有助于滋润肌肤,使皮肤变得白嫩。

8. **促进思考和创造力**:海蓝宝石被认为是一种智慧石,有助于提高思考能力和灵感创造力。

9. **增强自我表达能力**:海蓝宝石被认为有助于提高自我表达能力和沟通技巧,帮助人们更自信地表达自己的想法和感受。



1. **保护心脏**:益智仁含有丰富的强心甙和益智酮,具有明显的强心作用,能改善心脏功能,预防心肌缺血和心律不齐,对维护心脏健康大有裨益。

2. **补肾抗衰**:益智仁性温味辛,归脾、肾经,具有温脾暖肾、固精缩尿的功效。对于肾阳不足引起的腰膝酸软、遗精等症状有显著改善作用。


3. **提高记忆力**:益智仁中含有的多种活性成分能够直接作用于大脑,营养脑神经,提高脑细胞活性,促进脑部发育,增强记忆力,特别适合长期用脑的人群。

4. **增强免疫力**:益智仁含有丰富的多糖、矿物质和氨基酸,以及微量元素,能加快身体代谢,维持免疫系统功能稳定,增强人体抵抗力。


5. **开胃**:对于胃部不适、食欲不振的患者,益智仁可以去除体内寒气,增进食欲,与党参、白术等药材搭配使用效果更佳。

6. **固精**:益智仁可改善肾虚寒症状,对于遗精、遗尿等男性生殖系统问题有很好的治疗效果。

7. **预防老年痴呆**:益智仁可以促进神经细胞再生,保护神经,抑制老年痴呆的发生。

8. **改善脾胃虚寒**:益智仁对于脾胃虚寒引起的腹胀、腹泻、大便泄泻、脘腹冷痛等症状有良好的治疗效果。

9. **促进新陈代谢**:益智仁能参与人体细胞合成代谢,增强记忆力,改善学习记忆障碍。


10. **其他作用**:益智仁还具有抗胃损伤、抑制回肠收缩、抗癌等功效。



1. **健胃消食**:山楂和陈皮都具有良好的消食化积作用。山楂含有丰富的膳食纤维、柠檬酸和苹果酸,可以刺激食欲,增进消化;陈皮中的纤维素和挥发油有助于促进胃肠蠕动,增加消化液的分泌。


2. **促进消化**:对于消化不良、腹胀、腹痛等症状,山楂陈皮泡水喝可以起到很好的缓解作用。

3. **降血脂和降血糖**:山楂具有降血脂、降血糖的作用,对于高血脂、糖尿病等患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **清洁血管**:山楂和陈皮都有助于清理血管垃圾,增强血管健康,特别适合中老年人饮用。

5. **活血化瘀**:山楂具有活血化瘀的功效,可以用于治疗瘀血引起的症状。

6. **调经活血**:陈皮和枸杞泡水还有调经活血的作用,对女性月经不调等有辅助治疗作用。

7. **滋阴补肾**:陈皮、枸杞泡水还有滋阴补肾、强筋骨的功效。

8. **消炎抗菌**:山楂中的黄酮类和山萜类具有消炎抗菌作用,陈皮中的天然橙皮苷和挥发油也可消炎。

9. **化痰止咳**:山楂和陈皮泡水有助于稀释痰液,有利于痰液排出,对咳嗽有缓解作用。

10. **防癌**:山楂中含有丰富的羊蹄甲素,能抑制致癌物质的形成,预防癌症。



1. **健脾养胃**:栗子具有益气健脾的作用,对于脾虚泄泻、消化不良等症有改善作用。


2. **补肾强筋**:中医认为栗子入肾经,对于腰膝酸软、骨质疏松等肾虚症状有很好的滋补效果。
3. **抗衰老**:栗子含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,具有抗衰老、延年益寿的功效。
4. **促进脂肪代谢**:栗子含有不饱和脂肪酸,有助于脂肪代谢,适合减肥人群食用。
5. **强筋健骨**:栗子中的维生素C能维持牙齿、骨骼、血管肌肉的正常功能,预防和治疗骨质疏松。
6. **养颜美容**:栗子含有丰富的维生素C,有助于美容养颜。
7. **健脑益智**:栗子含有维生素、氨基酸和铁、钙等营养物质,有助于健脑益智。
8. **改善口腔溃疡**:栗子中的核黄素对口腔溃疡有很好的治疗作用。

1. **日常食用**:栗子可鲜食、煮食、糖炒、菜用等多种方式食用。
2. **药膳**:栗子可与其他食材搭配制作药膳,如栗子炖猪蹄、板栗乌骨鸡等。
3. **食品加工**:栗子可加工成各种食品,如栗子饼干、栗子糕点等。

1. **适量食用**:栗子虽然营养丰富,但不宜过量食用,以免引起消化不良。
2. **脾胃虚弱者**:脾胃虚弱、消化不良者应少食栗子,以免加重症状。
3. **风湿病患者**:风湿病患者不宜食用栗子,以免病情加重。
4. **糖尿病患者**:栗子含有较高的糖分,糖尿病患者应适量食用,避免影响血糖稳定。



1. **清热解毒**:绿豆具有很好的清热解毒功效,可以有效地帮助人体排出体内的热毒,特别是在夏季,有助于预防中暑。

2. **健脾养胃**:绿豆和大米都有健脾养胃的作用,可以促进消化,改善胃部不适,对于脾胃虚弱的人群尤其有益。

3. **和中益气**:绿豆大米粥可以调和人体气血,增强体质,有助于恢复体力和精力。


4. **消暑去燥**:绿豆具有清凉去燥的效果,与大米搭配煮粥,适合在炎热的夏季食用,有助于缓解暑热。


5. **生津止渴**:绿豆大米粥能有效地生津止渴,对于口干舌燥、口渴等症状有很好的缓解作用。

6. **利水消肿**:绿豆还有利水消肿的功效,对于水肿、尿少等情况有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **保肝护肾**:绿豆中的某些成分对肝脏有一定的保护作用,有助于维护肾脏健康。

8. **降血脂、降低胆固醇**:绿豆中的多糖成分能增强血清脂蛋白酶的活性,有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

9. **抗过敏**:绿豆大米粥具有一定的抗过敏作用,对于过敏体质的人群可能有益。

10. **改善皮肤**:绿豆特有的保湿成分及矿物质能强化皮肤的水分保湿能力,有助于改善干燥皮肤,使皮肤润泽有弹性。

11. **辅助治疗**:绿豆大米粥对于一些疾病如暑热烦渴、湿热泄泻、水肿腹胀、疮疡肿毒等有一定的辅助治疗作用。



"Come on, forget the dust fairy. I’m new here. I’ll take the fairy to find a place to rest and discuss it in the future. It’s not too late or too bad." Li Yunhui smiled gently.

Forget the dust retching again and follow Li Yunhui into the iron camp behind him.
The military camp is definitely not as beautiful as imagined, but it is not as messy as imagined. In the panic, it reveals the order, and in the order, it reveals all kinds of clutter, which looks a bit dazzling.
Forget the dust as Li Yunhui entered the tent. Naturally, soldiers sent neat bedding. Li Yunhui gave a gift to forget the dust, "The fairy came from afar and didn’t disturb the fairy to rest."
Li Yunhui also saw that forgetting the dust was unwell and took a long way.
Watching Li Yunhui go away and forget the dust, sitting on the bed and trying to practice, but this gas is always full of iron and blood, which will erode the human body’s mana roots if you don’t pay attention. You can slowly close your eyes and breathe the blood in your mouth and nose, but it is always endless, which is very annoying.
"This domain is really not a place for people to stay. When I killed the monk across the street, my senior sister got revenge and quickly left here." Forget the dust and frown.
It is said that Li Yunhui turned all the way to the camp, far from being partial, and Li Yunhui said, "Hurry up and call all the soldiers to discuss."
When Li Yunhui stepped into the main account, he saw a thin middle-aged man in real armor looking at the map and hearing someone come in, he immediately looked up, but his face was happy. "The Lord came back but invited reinforcements?"
Li Yunhui laughed. The middle-aged man asked Li Yunhui to sit down. Li Yunhui said, "It’s natural to be successful. This time, not only reinforcements were invited, but also a powerful person was invited."
"May defeat the enemy?" The general said
"Nonsense can’t defeat the enemy. What’s the point for the general to invite him here?" Li Yunhui stared at the Lord and said, "Go and pick the foreign war card and say that our army will go out to do it in Japan."
"Yes, yes, yes, please do it." The Lord was all smiles.
The commander of the imperial army camp in Daliu is a white-haired old man. Although he looks old, his whole body is full of qi and blood. Although his hair is white, his face is ruddy and he breathes like an ox. Obviously, he is very strong and strong.
There are many figures sitting in this Lord’s hand, and on the left are monks. These monks are full of momentum, and even in the iron camp, they are full of mana, which is obviously extraordinary.
On the right side of the main commander is the military commander of Daliu Dynasty.
The Lord sat in front of the case and looked at the map and frowned. "This big Chen dynasty has been slow to bend and refused to take up the battle card these days. What should we do?" Must think of a way to break the other camp is "
"General, let’s not attack and force Chen to fight?" A military commanders out way
Veteran’s eyebrows are deeply wrinkled. "The other party’s recklessness is just killing the enemy for a thousand times. Now, if the domain is so chaotic, if the damage is too heavy, we’ll even be divided up by others unless you Taoist priests use their magical powers to break the enemy camp."
This fall only to see that the monks were silent for a while and sat at the front. The monk said, "This is not easy for the other side. I am afraid that there are not millions of troops, and it is hard to say how many magical powers we can play."
Chapter 524 War
Avatar mana is indeed reversible, but in the face of doing your best, your mana will be greatly reduced.
Mana is a kind of energy, so is the army’s iron and blood suffocation, and it has a high score. On the contrary, in some cases, iron and blood suffocation can restrain monks
The monk’s words fell all over the camp, and suddenly the first monk in his left hand frowned and said, "It seems that this time the other side has come to a master."
I don’t know how this monk can know that the monk was forgotten and turned to ashes with a true fire of samadhi, but all kinds of magical powers in the practice world are strange, and it is normal to be so miraculous.
"What happened to Brother Liu Yunfeng?" Friar Liu Yunfeng, who was present at the big tent, took a deep breath. Although he was arrogant and disliked by everyone, his magical powers were among the best in the crowd. At this time, he suddenly heard that this friar had fallen, and all his peers gasped.
"We accidentally killed a monk named Bi Xiufeng. I heard that the female crown was the younger brother of Bi Xiufeng, and the owner of Bi Youdong was connected by the same vein. Did the female crown of Bi Youdong take revenge?" A monk’s face with a touch of panic is definitely a bully, not as simple as talking about it.
"It’s not necessarily a wonderful show, but it’s arrogant and overbearing. If you want to make it difficult for us, you will be afraid of coming to the door in person for a while. It seems that this time the monk is not a wonderful show, but he is also a master. If it weren’t for a wonderful show, everything would be a world war I." The monk sitting in Zuoshou said
After a while, the monk said, "Let’s kill Bi Xiufeng’s female crown, but the female crown sends out information. I’m afraid that Bi Xiufeng has got the information for a while. This is a disaster after all. I don’t know what to do." Sitting in the second place, the monk suddenly said silently
"This ….." This outstanding monk immediately showed hesitation. Although Bi Xiufeng was terrible, he was not single-minded after all, but there was a way to deal with it. However, the man in Bi Xiufeng was difficult. If he personally feared that everyone would be restless.
Just then, I heard the soldiers run in and plop on my knees outside the door. "Tell the Lord that the big Chen dynasty suddenly picked up the battle card and wanted to ask the Taoist priests to end it. This is a war and please ask the Lord to have a look."
When he said this, he saw that the soldier took out his hands and put his hands respectfully on the Lord’s case.
"Huh?" Looking at the case a few wars, the Lord’s brow slowly stretched. "This big Chen dynasty actually took the initiative to well-documented, but it must be with the bottom spirit, but I don’t know that the bottom spirit is sending people to spy."
"Yes" makes the soldiers bend down and walk out of the tent.
The Lord slowly put the letter in his hand on the record and said to the first monk in his left hand, "Please show it to Taoist Guang."
The Taoist priest watched the battle once, then slowly closed it for a long time before saying softly, "The soldiers will block the water and cover it up. Only one day, Chen will see the real chapter in the war."
The sound of the war drum resounded for nine days, and Fiona Fang could hear it thousands of miles away.
Facing the glory, the camp of the imperial army of Chen dynasty was instantly noisy in the drums, and the blood was foaming at the mouth, and even the clouds for nine days were instantly dispersed by Shaqi.
Several soldiers buried pots for cooking, and some soldiers polished their armor to prepare for today’s decisive battle.
Forget the dust and immediately jump out of bed and walk towards the Zhongjun tent line after hearing the gathering drum sound.
Li Yunhui had told the soldiers who were patrolling the camp that they dared not neglect to forget the dust and bow disrespectfully in their dealings.
When I left the dust, I saw that the Zhongjun big tent was full of figures. The right hand was the big Chen dynasty, and the left hand was the monk. However, compared with the big Ryukyu dynasty, the monk of the big Chen dynasty was a big cat and a kitten, but it was not commendable. Even if there were monks, three disasters had not yet been spent.
See forget dust came in all the soldiers, monks have raised eyebrows to wait and see to see the bearer is a young girl who has not spent three disasters, after all the monks immediately scoffed and looked back.
Li Yunhui, sitting in the theme, naturally put everyone’s expression in the fundus and immediately got up and smiled. "The dust-forgotten fairy is coming. Come on, let the generals introduce you. This fairy is Bi Xiufeng’s true brother."
"I’ve heard a lot"
"seen the fairy"
The monks were neither salty nor pale, and their faces were indifferent.
Li Yunhui naturally knows what people are thinking, so he smiled gently. "If you say that you have forgotten the name of the dust fairy, you may not have heard it, but today you are familiar with the wonderful show of Biyou Cave."
The words "Lord of Biyou Cave" suddenly brought people’s eyes together, and all the monks were moved. "What does this little girl have for the Lord of Biyou Cave?"
I was thinking about it, but I heard Li Yunhui say, "This dust-forgetting fairy is the true fire magic of Samadhi, which was acquired by the master and sister of Biyou Cave. Shouldn’t everyone be familiar with it?"
Samadhi is really hot?
When I heard the words Samadhi True Fire, all the monks immediately stood up and solemnly gave a ceremony to forget the dust. "I’ve seen the immortal before, but I don’t know Taishan, so I’d like to ask the immortal to sin."
Forgetting the dust and looking at the crowd, I was disdainful in my heart, but I didn’t show it as a light way. "It’s my brother’s name to forget the dust. A little girl can’t be such a gift for the Taoist friends."

Even though ten thousand years have passed, these bones still have no trace of decay, crystal clear as jade!

Among these remains, Sumo saw a complete flesh without decay!
How terrible and strong should this person be before his life?
The flesh will not rot after ten thousand years!
Suddenly Su Mo felt a red light flashing in her eyes and turned to look.
Su Mo’s pupils contracted violently and his hair stood on end!
A few drops of blood splashed around the stone wall.
Su Mo looked at it and felt that his eyes were sore and his eyes almost burst!
"What is this? The strong blood has such terrible power!"
Ten thousand years apart, it was a spatter of blood that almost killed Sumo!
At this time, a strong sense of crisis flooded my heart!
Chapter five hundred and twelve Ghost
The evil wind is howling!
Ten feet away from the front, ghosts are so ferocious and scary that faces emerge and disappear quickly!
Sue ink heart in a surprised suddenly realized one thing.
The Yin soldiers and Yin horses condensed from the ruins of Dagan were just some imperial guards buried in those days.
And who are buried at the bottom of this buried dragon valley?
The flesh will not rot after ten thousand years!
It is the stone wall stained with blood that contains great power!
Those imperial guards turned into Yin soldiers and Yin horses, and then the real world war I could be achieved.
How terrible would it be if some of these fallen strong people were haunted by grievances?
"Let’s go!"
Su Mo drank low and picked up the fox and turned and ran to the road.
Fortunately, it is not far from the ancient temple, and it can be reached by a dozen breaths with the explosive force of the flesh.
There is a turn ahead.
Su Mo has been distracted all the way, but he can still vaguely remember that he turned a corner.
That is to say, you can see the famous ancient temple by turning ahead
But when Su Mo walked over, he realized that he was in shape.
Where are the ancient temples ahead?
There are mountains of bones piled up!
Not far away, there is a sticky flowing river of blood blocking the way.
On the surface of the blood river, a series of horrible and infiltrating faces emerge, and a series of strange smiles emerge.
Su Mo narrowed his eyes and looked intently.

Became stronger.

To help my brother do more.
No one will think that they are too strong.
Hang Yu is no exception, of course. Even though he is pregnant with three blue weapons, he still misses the opportunity to continue to grow stronger. That night, he raised enough aura in the spiritual world to officially activate the third-order "Furious Lord"!
He became the first known third-order inheritor in Jiangcheng!
The increase effect of the third-order bearing is nearly three times that of the second-order bearing.
It is immediate to hang Yu’s high suspicion.
It’s this activation effect
[Berserker Lord] Third-order permanent strength +12 permanent physique +1 permanent agility +5 permanent vitality +15 permanent spirit+physical attack +15 physical defense +7 permanent movement speed+emptiness and dying weakness.
Hang Yu’s basic vitality has reached 165 points, and his spirit has reached 11 points. Strength 3, Agility 335, and Physique 19 have greatly increased the output ability of physical attack and physical defense. It is becoming more and more off the charts and is changing to a humanoid weapon.
When the violent Lord undertook to activate three skills, namely, magic blood awakening, blood burning blade and violent quarrelling, they were also strengthened to a certain extent, but in addition to these unexpected changes, this time there was no change before.
Hang Yu’s temperament has changed
If Hang Yu doesn’t deliberately suppress his breath, everyone will feel the pressure of French language when they see him!
This feeling is like a sheep meeting a tiger and a chicken meeting an eagle!
It can be said that fear is fear from the depths of the soul, and they will feel that the young man with a very handsome face in front of them is actually a violent beast covered with human skin.
Hang Yu knows very well what will happen.
This is actually the suppression of high-order life on low-order life.
One-second-order bearing is a low-order bearing, which will not bring changes to the body except for strength enhancement.
The third and fourth-order commitment is the middle-order commitment, which will not only bring greater strength, but also bring deeper and more profound concepts. This change is the change of life level.
At the end of a spiritual inheritance sequence is God!
If we can really get to this point
It has become a god!
Of course, this step is extremely difficult. Hang Yu’s great sage has no such information in his memory. He said that the great sage had never reached this level, and he estimated that it was just an epic that survived to the point of saying.
in any case
Hang Yu from this moment on.
He has broken away from mortal constitution.
Every climb from the third order will bring about drastic physical changes, and his ability will become stronger and more flexible, not as weak and rigid as the low-order ability.
The next two days were calm.
Hang Yu is helping Xu Tianhua to select agents when he is stationed in the spiritual world to prepare for the war. Hang Yu is helping Jiangcheng Spiritual World Military Intelligence Bureau to become perfect day by day.
But on this day
Su Yunbing came to find Hang Yu. "There are some situations in Shahrukh, and you may need to do it yourself."
Hang Yu frowned. Su Yunbing is now herself. Besides two dog and Xiaobai, she is the most trustworthy department. Her ability to handle affairs is very strong. Generally, she can easily solve things without reporting them to herself.
Since reporting to Hang Yu,
Then say it must be very troublesome.
The production base of Sharu Fisherman has been initially established.
The production and mining forces of the fish terran have also doubled compared with the original, and now they have been put into production. Hangyu attaches great importance to an industry and must not go wrong.
Hang Yu asked, "What happened?"
"Shahrukh was recently targeted by another storm tribe developer." Su Yunbing explained the situation briefly first. "This developer is far more powerful than Shahrukh and he decided to annex Shahrukh."
after that
She explained one reason.
Storm tribe is not monolithic either.
Although these pioneers’ loyalty to the tribe is questionable, they are also selfish to each other. Everyone wants to make meritorious deeds, and it is difficult to have a fight in the process of expanding the world.
The storm tribe doesn’t care about this
The law of the jungle naturally develops, and the spiritual world has always been like this.
Shalu’s early development was frustrated, and his performance among the developers is now mediocre. Naturally, he will be stared at by the more powerful developers with the intention of driving Shalu away or earning it, and the site of Shalu’s troops will be taken over by the other side.
This has already threatened the core interests of Qinglong Group.
How can Boss Hang Yu bear it?
But the other side is too strong.
Su Yunbing is also a clever woman who can’t cook rice. In the final analysis, it is a people’s power in the west of Jiangcheng. This kind of indigenous gang confrontation has to report things.
"I don’t worry about it. In fact, even if there is no such thing, I will help Shah Rukh to annex other storm tribes. Since we hit the gun this time, we are welcome."
Hang Yu tapped on the table.
"Lao Xu Jiangcheng Spiritual World Military Intelligence Bureau has been formally established, and it just needs a performance opportunity. Let Shah Rukh get all the information of the other party, and the more detailed the better!"
Su Yunbing smiled. "I knew you would do this. I’ve sorted out the information."
"Ha, ha, Su’s work is to reassure me."

"This bracelet is an artifact! ?”

"Of course! Not only an artifact, but also an artifact! But now the strength of this bracelet department has been squandered, not only sealed in it, but the phoenix soul has been scattered by a sword, and even the strength containing phoenix blood has been burned out completely, so now this open artifact has fallen to the level of a weapon … If your bracelet is still intact, the hundreds of millions of blood gods I supported by the Phoenix Fire will be burned to ashes by the pure energy contained in it before they get close to your body! "
Gu Qing took a strange look at his hand. You can’t see this ugly bracelet and such a position!
It’s a pity … Now this artifact has been broken and can’t play its due power. Otherwise, with such an artifact’s power, even if it meets elders such as Jinghua, he is confident that he will be strong and slay it without relying on the "instant killing of stars".
"It’s a pity that I haven’t finished yet. Artifacts are the most difficult to forge artifacts, especially artifacts, and they are so easy to destroy!"
"Well you mean this artifact … repairable! ?”
"If it can’t be repaired, I will start this topic again! This bracelet has lost its spirit because of the lack of phoenix soul! Both are because Phoenix Blood Phoenix Blood is the key to start this artifact and stimulate the artifact array … No matter how fierce the flame is, you must have the material to burn it! Therefore, you need to slay a phoenix, sacrifice her soul into the bracelet, and then refine her essence into the array. It’s absolutely not a problem to say that this bracelet can exert less artifact power. "
"Slay a phoenix …"
Guqing directly rejected the idea of the old demon.
Phoenix is the noblest species in the star world-every adult has the strength equivalent to a beast! And Phoenix is a bird, second only to Jinpeng in talent! I don’t know how many times I can understand faster than human practitioners after being promoted to God beast. If a phoenix with a heavy Shinto is bent on escaping, even those four or five masters of Shinto may not be able to chase her and will be beheaded!
"Since slay not phoenix … then find a rosefinch to refine its blood and spirit! Although the power will definitely be greatly reduced, it is much stronger than it is now. All the materials of this bracelet are not inferior to the artifact value if they are randomly decomposed. If there is adult Suzaku blood and Suzaku soul, it can barely be raised to the level of artifact! "
"Suzaku … adult Suzaku is the seven-fold strength of Dan Dao. It is also impossible for me to slay! However, Suzaku is not a beast after all, and it is far less rare than Phoenix’s acquisition of Suzaku’s soul and Suzaku’s blood by other means! "
"Ha ha, it’s a good place. This place is a broken mountain, the highest mountain in Middle-earth, a paradise for birds and emperors. There must be a suzaku sacrifice in this mountain range! Moreover, that blood-weeping bracelet of the phoenix is made by sacrifice the bones of the phoenix moth, and its face contains the breath of the phoenix mother, which has a natural deterrent effect on some monster beast with phoenix descent. it is necessary to use special methods to draw this phoenix coercion out and fall on a seven-fold rosefinch, and her strength should be suppressed by 70%, which will have unimaginable benefits for you to hunt rosefinch in the future! " Speaking of the magic giant in this stove, he said without affectation, "God is incomplete, after all, a child holding a sword is not qualified to know the control method of the’ Phoenix Bracelet for Tears of Blood’ artifact. Now I will simply give it to you. This artifact is dusty!"
As soon as the words are finished, a god’s knowledge shoots out from the fire again and instantly pierces the soul of Guqing!
"Thank you!"
While receiving these gods’ knowledge, Gu Qing also felt her weakness!
The magic giant was sealed and suppressed in the fire even if he was 99% repaired, but the gods came in and out of his mind, and he still couldn’t stop it. If it weren’t for his map to protect his soul, the other party might need an idea to completely defeat his spiritual world!
Moreover, if the magic giant wants to take this opportunity to set up any means on him, he will also find out that he can be used as a chess player.
The devil in the stove seems to have lost his interest in continuing to talk after shooting another god’s knowledge. "That’s it!" After that, there was a hint of unquestionable majesty in his tone. "Go, if things don’t go lightly here again, you will accidentally disturb the array, and I will suffer with you!"
Gu Qing nodded. "Take care!"
After that, he didn’t stay here to make more dangerous changes, and these benefits were beyond his estimation. When the sword rose directly, it flew out of the crack.
The third volume The stars gather together for the 19th time rosefinch
Artifact that is more precious and rare than defensive artifact!
If a defensive artifact is not inferior to an artifact in value, even the most valuable artifact will be several times higher than a defensive artifact to catch up with the artifact.
In those days, the demon clan was the leader of the magic door, and its patriarch killed Mundus, which made it even more important for him to return to the sword clan to teach him how to fall into a thousand realms, and Yunyan and other super players dare not speak out of turn to compete with the first master of the magic road, let alone an artifact, even a very artifact!
In this case, the artifact "Phoenix Bracelet for Tears of Blood" can "suddenly" break through the encirclement and kill the three major artifacts of the devil clan all day long. This shows that this artifact has all kinds of magical effects.
The physical magic weapon can reach the level of artifact, and its value is tens of millions of times higher than that of the polar organ stage! This is not only due to the rise of things, but also the living thing! The leisure magic weapon department is a dead root that does not sustain life, and the soul gas is in it. If people, flowers and animals are put in it, they will die immediately without breathing!
However, the outside world of the Artifact Department has already produced a certain connection. Once it is portrayed in the surface array method, it can immediately absorb the vitality and oxygen from the outside world. The maintenance lies in the fact that life is immortal and vitality is enough, even if it is used to support animals and plant flowers and plants!
Gu Qing has always been a hindrance when people are fighting. The bird is Gu Xiaolin. She is fragile, but she can’t stand it. A little violent shock may lead to her death. This factor leads him to be too tied up!
In order to ensure her safety, it is the best solution to restore the "phoenix bracelet with tears of blood" as soon as possible.
When Gu Qing flew out of the crack, he waited at the periphery of the crack. Elder Jinghua and others have retreated in the far distance and left a few observation brothers!
Although they said that they were afraid to inform the elders in the door to bring the ancient green rope to justice, if we know that the bottom of this crack may be a magic giant’s dive site, we would never dare to stay here again if it weren’t for stupidity!
Otherwise, in case that Qianxiu devil thinks they are an eyesore and comes out in a bad mood to have a windfall, with their four or five-fold practitioners, it is estimated that they will be one of the hundreds of millions of blood gods who have no resistance!
After sweeping the several quite absent-minded Royal Fairy Brother, Gu Qing added some hidden techniques to himself, and a clear cloud floated out of the crack. After walking out of a distance, he directly galloped the cloud into the boundary of the broken mountain and left.
Broken mountain!
The most vast and towering mountain range in the cultivation of immortals is known as the backbone of Middle-earth.
This mountain area is extremely huge, even if those Shinto deities want to cross this area, it will take nearly half a day! The average elevation of the mountain range is stable at 10,000 meters, which is more outstanding, and it is towering into the sky without seeing its top. Even if you have a flying sword and a spiritual sword, you can’t bear the high pressure method to fly to the top of the mountain!
The steep mountain peaks cover the sun, and the jungle is full of natural mazes, poisonous weeds, and forbidding fierce birds and beasts living in this area. The environment is extremely hidden. There are countless monster beasts and spirit beasts born in this mountain range. This mountain range also has a demon overlord who has survived nine days of thunder and robbery!
Don’t say mortal here, even some successful practitioners may be attacked by monsters or magic practitioners if they are not careful.
After Gu Qing entered the broken mountain boundary, he directly drove the flying sword and flew to the deepest part of the mountain at the fastest speed!
Although there are animals and natural materials around the broken mountain, the level and texture of an exception are not much higher, which can also have an impact on airway experts! Practitioners like them, who have been promoted to Dan Dao through the sky, usually go directly into the deepest part of the broken mountain!
"Suzaku Dan Dao’s seven-fold monster beast is of the earth. There is no doubt that I now have the double strength of Dan Dao. Even if the special practice leads to the’ Phoenix Tears of Blood Bracelet’, Suzaku can still play a role that is not inferior to that of Dan Dao’s six-fold condensed Dan fire master. Even when Suzaku’s flame comes out, even the spirit device will be burned to ashes. What’s more, the only thing I can rely on to slay Suzaku’s flesh is to be tempered into a spirit weapon crack sword by the speed of’ instant killing of stars’! Do it with one blow! "
Gu Qing thoughtfully took out a jade book and looked at it. "Suzaku likes fire and often lives in the south in flames. According to the jade book, there is an active volcano in the southern polar region that stretches for hundreds of kilometers. There are often flames erupting out of this broken mountain boundary. If Suzaku really lives, it will be in that area."
After that, he proofread one direction, Dan Dao, four spiritual forces, suppressed the body essence and blood, and let himself enter a state of harmony between man and nature!
Suzaku is not a human being. Although he has the strength equivalent to Dan Dao’s seven masters, he has not cultivated the magical power of exploration. It is his natural ability! In Guqing’s state of harmony between man and nature, his whole body leaked out, and his qi department was minimized! Unless it is ten miles near Suzaku or seen by its naked eye, the possibility that Suzaku will detect his trail by fluctuation of vitality is close to
Gu Qing deliberately suppressed his body’s vitality fluctuation, but the flight speed was not fast. It took two days to reach the active volcanic group.
Around this area, the air has become extremely hot, and some magical powers and techniques of water properties will be greatly suppressed here, even if the power of this magic weapon will be greatly reduced by one level!
Gu Qing gave up the middle flight mode and quietly searched for the trace of the firebird Suzaku in this volcanic group that occupied hundreds of kilometers. After spending another three days, he finally found the main target of this operation in a huge volcano-a Suzaku sleeping on a rock.
This firebird Suzaku is about three feet tall and covered with a layer of bright red feathers. Each feather part contains a strong and substantial fire attribute vitality. Even if Gu Qing looks at a place at least one kilometer away from him, he can still feel the hot and high temperature around the Suzaku’s body.
"Adult Suzaku’s wings are as high as five feet, burning like a cloud of fire … This Suzaku should not be an adult from the body shape …"
Although it is a minor Suzaku, it gives Guqing a terrible feeling.
Just Suzaku’s body contains that horrible heat, which is enough to burn. If it is contained in the body’s primordial fire, even the polar device is estimated to be incinerated into molten iron. He has not been refined into vigorous gas or condensed into true yuan. Only relying on the true qi protector may not be able to withstand the impact when the primordial fire erupts!

A demon has just got a multiplier, and it will be encircled by other demons, and the multiplier will also be robbed.

A god’s rainbow broke unexpectedly and galloped in the direction of Su Mo.
Sue ink look move hand hold this rainbow god.
This is not an instrument, but a crimson stone, which exudes more heat than breath.
And Sue ink in the right hand palm god burn bone seems to have some some reaction.
"What is this?"
Su Mo looked at it again and didn’t see anything.
Extreme fire Daojun sounded, "This is the Yang Yan natural material in the realm of burning blood and pure gold. Put it away quickly!"
If you want to forge an ideal skeleton suitable for other Taoism, you need nine kinds of sunny natural materials!
This burning blood and red gold is one of them!
In the theory of burning blood and red gold, it is tens of thousands of years before the stone can finally take shape. You can imagine how rare it is
This kind of natural material may not be available even if you have money in the fix true world!
Su Mo didn’t expect to get a piece by chance in the Valley of Demons.
At the beginning, he won a lot of Long Mai’s fortune in the ancient battlefield, and he must have had a lot of influence.
"Hand over the treasure!"
Just then, a burst of clothes broke out.
Unexpectedly, seven demons followed the burning blood and red gold to send out a rainbow of ecstasy and came after them!
Sue ink eyes swept away and sensed that these seven are all middle-class demons and couldn’t help sneering in my heart.
As soon as his palm turned over, he put away the burning blood and pure gold directly.
"What is the treasure that you just hid when you want to die!"
A demon came to the front and pointed to Su Mo and asked him.
Several other demons quickly surrounded Su Mo with a bad complexion.
Soon a demon’s look changed, and his eyes showed incredible color, pointing to Su Mo and trembling, "You, you, you are Mo Yao, and you are not dead?"
Before Su Mo’s blood fled away, the overlord of Hanging Sheep Peak chased after all the monsters, but all of them were in his eyes.
In the eyes of the group of demons, being stared at Su Mo by one overlord is definitely ten dead and alive!
But I didn’t expect Su Mo to come back alive!
Hearing the word "Mo Yao", several demons left were also startled and hurriedly retreated.
There is a demon in front of the Hanging Sheep Peak. Instead, it mocks and looks at the rest of the demon avenue. "How can a low-level demon scare you this virtue! What a shame! "
"Yang Xiong you come a little late didn’t see this demon means …"
A demon woke up quickly.
Only to be interrupted by this demon hanging sheep peak with a sneer. "Low-order demons can only have the means. If he doesn’t hand over that treasure today, I …"
"What do you want?"
Hanging sheep peak demon ears sounded a calm indifference.
Hanging sheep peak demon gasped at the air conditioning.
I don’t know when Su Mo has come to his front!
It’s too fast!
When the demon of Hanging Sheep Peak came, he didn’t think much of rallying Yuan Shen’s mysticism for the first time. Unexpectedly, Su Mo shouted, "Get out!"