
1. **心灵净化**:茶晶能够帮助净化心灵,使人心灵平静、情绪稳定。它有助于消除内心的焦虑和压力,使人更加乐观。


2. **提升正能量**:茶晶具有提升正能量的作用,能够增强人的自信心和勇气,使人更加积极地面对生活中的挑战。

3. **增强直觉力**:茶晶被认为能够增强人的直觉力和洞察力,使人更加敏锐地捕捉到生活中的机遇和潜在危险。


4. **改善睡眠**:茶晶有助于改善睡眠质量,使人更容易进入深度睡眠,缓解疲劳。

5. **促进身体健康**:茶晶被认为具有促进身体健康的作用,如缓解头痛、关节痛等。此外,茶晶还有助于调节血压和血糖水平。

6. **增强人际关系**:茶晶有助于改善人际关系,使人更加宽容和理解他人,从而建立和谐的人际关系。

7. **增强创造力**:茶晶被认为能够激发人的创造力,使人在工作和生活中更加富有创新精神。


8. **增强记忆力**:茶晶有助于提高记忆力,使人更容易记住重要的事情,提高工作和学习效率。

9. **调节情绪**:茶晶有助于调节情绪,使人更加平和、稳定,减少情绪波动。

10. **增强免疫力**:茶晶被认为具有增强免疫力的作用,使人更加健康,减少生病的风险。



1. **药用价值**:
– **泻下作用**:喇叭花种子经过炮制后,具有一定的泻下作用,可以治疗便秘。
– **利尿消肿**:对于肢体水肿、肾炎、肝硬化腹水等病症,喇叭花具有一定的利尿消肿功效。
– **驱虫**:喇叭花还具有驱虫作用,可以用于治疗虫积腹痛。
– **其他功效**:喇叭花还能用于治疗脚气症,对于孕妇和气虚脾虚者也有一定的辅助治疗效果。


2. **观赏价值**:
– **花色丰富**:喇叭花的花色多样,有蓝色、绯红色、桃红色、紫色等,花朵呈漏斗状,极具观赏性。


– **适应性强**:喇叭花适应性强,喜阳光充足、气候温和的环境,耐高温、酷暑,但不耐寒,适合在庭院、篱垣、棚架旁种植。

3. **文化寓意**:
– **爱情永固**:喇叭花的花语中包含爱情永固的寓意,适合送给恋人,表达永恒的爱意。
– **友情长久**:喇叭花还象征着友情长久,适合送给朋友,表达坚固的友谊。
– **赞美女性**:喇叭花在西方文化中象征着对女性的赞美,可以用来夸赞女性的知性大方和独特气质。


4. **生态效益**:
– **绿化美化环境**:喇叭花攀爬能力强,生长迅速,可以用于绿化美化环境,提高生态环境质量。



### 玫瑰茄的营养价值
1. **维生素丰富**:玫瑰茄含有丰富的维生素C和维生素A,这些维生素对于增强免疫力、促进伤口愈合以及维持皮肤健康都至关重要。
2. **蛋白质和氨基酸**:它含有多种氨基酸,有助于维持人体的正常生理功能。
3. **纤维素**:玫瑰茄中的纤维素有助于消化,预防便秘。
4. **矿物质**:它还含有钙、铁等矿物质,有助于骨骼健康和预防贫血。
5. **天然色素**:玫瑰茄含有大量的天然色素,如花青素,这些色素具有很好的抗氧化作用。

### 玫瑰茄的应用功效
1. **降压降脂**:玫瑰茄中的黄酮类物质和多种维生素有助于降低血压和胆固醇,对高血压和高血脂患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
2. **保护肝脏**:其中的花青素和多酚类物质能够清除体内自由基,减轻肝脏的氧化应激反应,从而保护肝脏健康。


3. **补血养颜**:富含铁元素的玫瑰茄有助于促进血红蛋白的合成,预防贫血,同时维生素C有助于胶原蛋白的合成,保持皮肤弹性。
4. **抗炎抗菌**:玫瑰茄中的黄酮类物质和多酚类物质具有良好的抗炎抗菌作用,能够减轻炎症反应,抑制细菌和病毒的生长繁殖。
5. **减肥**:饮用玫瑰茄花茶有助于减肥,因为它能够减少体内脂肪的积累。
6. **抗癌**:研究表明,玫瑰茄原儿茶酸(PCA)能促进血癌细胞的灭亡,其提取物能抑制化学物质致结肠癌化的作用,花青素(HAc)能促进血癌细胞和胃癌细胞的凋谢。
7. **保肝**:玫瑰茄的提取物能增加谷光甘肽(GSH)保护肝功能,抑制药物对肝功能的伤害。
8. **防治心血管疾病**:玫瑰茄能够降低甘油三脂和胆固醇,增加高密度脂蛋白,从而预防心血管疾病。
9. **清热解暑**:玫瑰茄具有清热解暑的功效,特别适合在夏季饮用。
10. **改善睡眠**:玫瑰茄也有助于改善睡眠质量。

### 食用方法


1. **帮助消化**:菠萝酶能分解蛋白质,帮助食物中的蛋白质在胃中更易消化,从而减轻消化系统的负担,特别是对于消化不良或食用油腻食物后。

2. **促进伤口愈合**:菠萝酶能帮助减少伤口周围的炎症,加速愈合过程,对于胃溃疡和其他伤口修复有益。

3. **缓解感冒和流感症状**:菠萝酶可以减少喉咙和鼻子中的粘液量,稀释呼吸系统中的粘液,使呼吸更加顺畅。

4. **减轻鼻窦炎症**:菠萝酶在缓解鼻窦炎症方面表现出色,对于患有过敏症的人可能有益。

5. **增强免疫系统**:菠萝中含有的维生素C可以支持健康的免疫系统,增强身体抵抗力。

6. **促进血液循环**:菠萝朊酶有助于改善局部血液循环,溶解阻塞于组织中的纤维蛋白和血凝块,对预防血管硬化及冠状动脉性心脏病有一定的作用。

7. **利尿作用**:菠萝中所含的糖、盐类和酶有利尿作用,对肾炎和高血压病患者有益。

8. **美白嫩肤**:菠萝中的维生素有助于美白皮肤,消除脸上的色斑,促进皮肤新陈代谢。


9. **美白牙齿**:菠萝蛋白酶可以帮助消除牙齿上的污渍,达到美白牙齿的效果。

10. **减肥塑身**:菠萝中的膳食纤维和菠萝酶可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于减肥和塑身。

11. **开胃助消化**:饭前吃菠萝能刺激唾液分泌,增进食欲;饭后吃菠萝则有助于消化。



### 中药减肥的基本原理

1. **调节代谢和消化功能**:中药通过调整人体的代谢和消化系统,促进脂肪的分解和代谢,从而达到减肥的效果。
2. **平衡阴阳**:中医认为肥胖与人体阴阳失衡有关,中药通过调整人体阴阳平衡,达到减肥的目的。
3. **祛湿化痰**:中医认为湿邪和痰湿是肥胖的根源,中药通过祛湿化痰来减轻体重。

### 常见的中药减肥成分

1. **葛根素**:根据最新研究,葛根素可以从中药葛根中提取,能够抑制脑肠轴中的特定神经元,减少油脂的吸收。
2. **首乌**:具有润肠、解毒的功效,可以促进肠管蠕动,减少肠道对胆固醇的吸收。
3. **荷叶**:具有清热解毒、祛湿的作用,可以帮助减肥。
4. **白术**:具有健脾利水的功效,可以调节饮食物的消化、吸收与排泄,减少痰湿的产生。
5. **柴胡**:具有疏肝解郁、清热解毒的功效,可以帮助调节内分泌,达到减肥的效果。

### 中药减肥的适用人群

1. **伴有便秘的肥胖人群**:首乌等药物可以帮助缓解便秘,减少体内废物积累。
2. **脾胃虚弱的人群**:白术等药物可以健脾利水,改善脾胃功能。
3. **内分泌紊乱的人群**:柴胡等药物可以帮助调节内分泌,改善肥胖。

### 中药减肥的注意事项


1. **个体差异**:中药减肥的效果因人而异,需要根据个人体质和肥胖原因进行个性化治疗。
2. **副作用**:部分中药可能存在副作用,如肝肾功能损害等,使用前应咨询专业医生。
3. **长期效果**:中药减肥可能需要较长时间才能见效,需要耐心和坚持。


### 总结



1. **祛风湿**:独活有很好的祛风除湿功效,适用于治疗因风湿引起的关节疼痛、腰腿疼痛等症状。


2. **止痛**:独活能够缓解肌肉和关节的疼痛,对于类风湿性关节炎、风湿性关节炎等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **活血通络**:独活具有活血通络的作用,可以促进血液循环,对肢体麻木、经络不通等症状有一定的改善作用。

4. **解表发汗**:独活还可以解表发汗,适用于治疗感冒引起的头痛、身痛等症状。

5. **抗炎**:现代药理研究表明,独活具有一定的抗炎作用,对于炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

6. **抗菌作用**:独活具有一定的抗菌作用,对于某些细菌感染有一定的抑制作用。



"Little things!" The old cat pointed to the hotel and said, "I’ll pull up the surveillance video there later."

Say that finish Lu Weide and others turned to the door of the hotel to prepare the car to the hospital.
Fu Xiaohao, the first police patrol car, took the words and looked up at Lu Weide’s back and suddenly shouted, "Is your fucking name Loki?" !”
Shout great Lu Weide ahead and others can make a clever fright after hearing it, and they all turn around and look back.
Fu Xiaohao took the words and sat in the car and shouted, "You don’t call Loki, what do you pick up? Hurry and find him for me …! "
Lu Weide looked at the old cat bitten to grind and turned to go.
"Ha ha ha!"
Two police patrol car people looked at Lu Weide and they immediately burst into laughter.
The old cat picked a mouthful of fans and stuttered into his mouth. He vaguely ordered, "Call the Commercial Crime Department and send the information."
"Let them move now?" Fu xiaohao asked
"Let him wait for a while, don’t give him a toss-up." The old cat looked at Lu Weide’s back and sighed. "… the little white brother’s hands were too hard and he cried to Lu Weide’s wife."
"Which is his wife?" Zhu Wei asked curiously.
"Just his male assistant."
"Are they fighting for bayonets in the trough?" Zhu Wei was surprised.
"You don’t know?" The old cat was also surprised to look back and said, "The company has long known that Lu Weide Jianghu people call Hao Longdan a good gun!"
Go to the hospital road
Lu Weide gnashed his teeth and scolded, "Fuck you when you play with me! You have to wait for me to make Tiancheng Baofeng pay a big sum!"
Chapter 2 Black and white combination boxing
Lu Weide is an out-and-out highly educated cultural person. He is good at "killing people" with all kinds of rules, and he usually contacts people who are rich or expensive. Everyone talks about identity, style and manners. When he touches an old cat, an egg that doesn’t play cards according to common sense, he is suddenly completely out of routine
It’s the old cat who has a bottom line, but doesn’t pay attention to eating, and he doesn’t feel that he has to pretend to be a big boss with his identity. He is more practical and his tricks suck, so long as they are effective.
Late night hospital
Lu Weide immediately dialed Han Tong’s number in the ward after being pushed out from the surgical clinic.
"hello? Manager Lu "
"I let the old cat get someone to beat me when I stepped on the horse," Lu Weide said through clenched teeth. "Yes, I’m in the hospital …!"
Han Tong listened to Lu Weide and was slightly surprised after clarifying the incident. "No? The old cat is a bit too naive to do this. "
"He is naive, uneducated and pure, a smelly rascal on the ground!" Lu Weide very much agreed to scold a way: "Can he frighten me by doing this?"? When I was in Yanbei, even the director of the General Administration of Commerce and Trade asked to see me by name. Would I be afraid of him? ! He is a fart! "
"Don’t get excited, Brother Lu."
"I’m telling you, it’s absolutely not finished." Lu Weide was so angry that he flew into a rage. "I think it’s a good day. I won’t go to work and I’ll take three months’ sick leave to shelve the Changji project … and then you can let Fu Shao sue Tiancheng Baofeng for not advancing the project according to the contract rules."
"It’s still too early to fight" Han Tongwen immediately persuaded "After this, Xingyao and Tiancheng can’t get together, which will affect our former layout. Manager Lu, don’t worry about it. I’ll ask you for an explanation."
"What do you mean don’t worry? Do they treat me like a fool and play with you? " Lu Weide is really angry to lose his mind.
"So you wait a minute and I’ll make a message and ask about it." Han Tong replied lightly.
Lu Weide angrily bit his teeth and hung up the phone directly.
Next to the bed, Jilai executives are also very resentful. "Songjiang these guys are too disreputable. Qin Yu, they are all mixed up at this level, and it’s really no pattern to make these three abuses."
Lu Weide considered for a long time and turned to look at the guest and replied, "We will sign a new contract these days, and I will leave a loophole in the contract for you to give you and Fu Shao a big gift when I leave my job."
When the guest heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. "That would be great!"
"It’s definitely not finished," Lu Weide said with a bite of his teeth.
"Didi Lingling!"
A cell phone rang and Lu Weide got through. "Hello?"
"Manager Lu, where are you …?" A middle-aged man brought into tears and asked 1
Lu Weide Zheng "What are you doing? What’s the matter?"
"Manager Lu, I’m stepping on a horse and leaving my job. I’m not in Tiancheng Baofeng. That old cat is a fool. B I just asked for a car at the gate of Li & Fung Building, and he asked four or five people to tie me to the river, take a fishing net and throw it into the ice hole for me … and kept asking me how hot the water is …" Middle-aged emotional breakdown "I was tossed for more than two hours. The leader told me that the old cat asked me to go back and reflect. If I didn’t find me as a thermometer during the day, I would call the police.
Lu Weide Meng took the words for a moment.
"Manager Lu is making money everywhere, but he is killing himself here!" Middle-aged limped towards the car and shook his head repeatedly and said, "Tiancheng Baofeng is too hard in Songjiang. We can’t afford to be with them! Just now my daughter-in-law called me and asked me to go back to Yanbei … "
"No, don’t be afraid."
"Manager Lu threw me into the ice hole with a fishing net today. The net may be lost. I don’t have a pair of pants with the superintendent." Middle-aged tourist trap completely "I quit. You are ready to call a new person to take over my work."
Say that finish middle-aged directly hangs up the words.
Lu Weide was so angry that he shook his head with a small split and dropped his words to the ground. "Shame on you! Mean! !”
As soon as the words sound just fell, seven people suddenly pushed the door and entered. The leader, wearing a light green commercial crime investigation department, asked with a straight face, "Who is Lu Weide?"

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the drunk walked out of the room and wore dirty clothes. He went to the entrance of the life village and asked a driver who pulled his feet and asked, "Is Master going to Beifengkou?"

"Are you crazy? How far is this? Why don’t you talk about the moon? "
Chapter 251 Let’s go!
At four o’clock in the afternoon, Meng Xi, the headquarters of Qin Gu Corps on the frontier, frowned at Qin Yu and said, "Do you say hello to Qianjin this plan? If they can take a default attitude when we pass, the success of our plan will increase a lot. "
Qin Yu carefully considered it for a long time and then waved his hand. "If you don’t inform them in advance, although it is opposite to freedom, you are the same family. You let them let the channel secretly support us to fight back and slaughter our own national troops … This kind of psychological price is too high. If the news goes, our soldiers will die in vain."
Meng Xi slowly nodded his head when he heard this.
"We make our own plans and do it ourselves!" Qin Yu once again added that "the military personnel in the district have already understood the news, and preparations are already under way in the ninth district."
"All right," Meng Xiwen immediately replied, "Then I will continue to work with Qianjin to get them to give us some support in the political position."
"It’s an alliance, so now they must take an attitude." Qin Yu pointed to the ground and replied, "At least they are on our side in military threats! Pinch down some of the energy of freedom. "
"I am white!" Meng xihui
After the two men discussed, Meng Xi left the command camp, and then Qin Yu attended the video conference in the war room, Daya Lincheng, Huo Zhenghua and the northwest advance army generals.
"At 10 o’clock tonight, Huo Zhenghua of Lincheng Department attacked Gu Taixian’s northeast front with the aim of pushing the big troops forward for three miles and forcing Gu Taixian’s headquarters to send more troops here." Qin Yu said concisely, "We can’t care about the battle damage in this first world war. If Gu Taixian doesn’t feel the pressure, it means that our plan has failed."
"Gu Taixian’s headquarters to reinforce the Northeast War Zone will be blocked by Wang Henan’s department," Lin Cheng said low. "Does Wang Henan’s department want to let a certain gap lead more troops into our circle?"
"No need!" Qin Yu shook his head. "You need to let Gu Taixian’s troops draw out a part!"
"White" Lincheng nodded.
"Wang Henan!" Qin Yu shouted one in the video.
"here!" Daya responded immediately.
"You should know who is in charge of the garrison brigade in the southwest of Gu Taixian’s department?" Qin yuwen
"clear!" Daya replied without hesitation, "We are old acquaintances!"
"Your tactical goal is to wait here for the decisive battle and start your first attack on this brigade. If you can capture the other commander alive, it will have a great impact on the war situation!"
"Yes!" Daya response
In the video, Gu Yan listened to Qin Yu’s words and his mouth twitched for a while before he said hoarsely, "If someone catches it, let me handle it."
"Can" Qin Yu nodded immediately.
Fengbei Army Base in Area 9
One hundred and ten regional military pilots led by Han Jingzhong have joined forces with sixteen military pilots from nine regions at this moment.
After the war meeting, the 196 soldiers went to the conference room of the main building of the military base to wait.
As time goes by, the Fengbei military base is constantly loading shells into the H-25 J-26 fighter.
A large number of ground soldiers kept transporting all kinds of equipment from the 17-meter-long tractor in the warehouse.
At the moment, the entire military base is protected by an anti-reconnaissance team composed of more than 1,000 people, and satellite signals interfere with regional martial law helicopter patrols, and a series of preventive anti-reconnaissance means departments have been moved to the table.
If the means of military investigation outside the region can be scanned here, then the base they see at this moment should be a black hole.
After a long wait.
Just walked into the conference room of the main building with a military senior colonel from Gengjingzhong District 9 after the meeting.
"close! !”
Gengjingzhong shouted a.
Waiting for the soldiers to get up and line up from their rest posts immediately.
Han Jingzhong took out a thick stack of white paper and bundles of brand-new black carbon pens from his bag, swallowed and said, "Line up to get the limit of ten minutes!"
After a long silence in the house, everyone lined up to get paper and pens as instructed, and Han Jingzhong found a quiet place to write after handing out the things.
Paper is formatted with the word "head up"
Han Jingzhong’s handwriting is beautiful and his pen is smooth. "To my favorite wife and children, Jingzhong’s body has been made public. When you read this letter, my fighter plane and I may have exploded in the enemy’s territory like the sun, which may be the last dive in our military career to make the last tactical move …!"
The room was quiet, and 190 people were silently writing that it was their closest relatives in the world, which also represented a kind of determination.
More than six o’clock in the evening

There is also a sense of loss at the thought of these talented people. Although there has been this kind of consciousness since the first separation of Yuan God, it is regarded as a kind of respect in my heart, but now it must be made.

From now on, you can’t live by yourself, and this world is not the heaven.
"ah! It is also good to return the cause and effect of heaven. In the future, heaven is heaven, and I am me! "
After a slight sigh, Gao slowly got up and put all his thoughts in his heart, no longer thinking or paying attention to things that are hard to think about.
The sadness in his eyes also turned thick and looked at Fang Honghuang’s land.
"Since you want to explore this world, I will give you a hand!"
Looking at the northwest of the wild, my eyes were cold, my hands stretched out and I patted them hard. Suddenly, all creatures in the northwest saw a huge palm falling from the sky, and the huge pressure enveloped hundreds of millions of miles of heaven and earth, and no creature could escape.
There is no power to fight this huge palm, and all creatures find themselves able to bear it. There is no other choice.
Even those who live in seclusion in the northwest pick Jin Xian all resist this palm and can abruptly bear the power of this palm.
The huge sound shook the people in the northwest of the world and found that they were not damaged, but after a while, all practitioners suddenly found that they had no repair and no mana.
In addition to the physical strength, there is no other force in the slightest, and even external creatures entering the northwest will be deprived of a practice immediately.
Falling behind in this palm and falling into the northwest place name is a faint look up, then blending into hundreds of millions of creatures, rethinking martial arts and studying their new body in the wild.
After Gao Cai hit this palm, he crossed his legs again and looked at Fang’s growing warlock and watched the fairy slowly develop.
Then look back and look at the pure Yang Leihai beside you. After the meeting, I think a little pure Yang Leihai in my hand slowly points out a deep and bottomed altar.
"Lei Zhen, I suppressed hundreds of millions of you. Today, you were born to control heaven and earth, and Lei was in charge of rewards and punishments!"
Looking at the suppression of Lei Zhen Gao Cai in the altar, he said slowly that with Gao Cai’s words, his body number chain should be broken and the symbol should be integrated into his body
"Follow the orders of God!"
Lei Zhen replied with joy that Lei Zhenxiu, who suppressed hundreds of millions of people, has also been promoted to pick Jin Xian’s peak, and he has realized his understanding of Lei. Now he controls the heavens and the earth, rewards and punishments, and gains great merit and luck, which will also make him promoted to quasi-saint.
"The fairy age is coming, and the concise fairy fruit people have to experience a disaster every ten thousand years. You can’t relax if you are in charge of the thunder robbery. If the third ancestor of the fairy should rob, it will be a thunder robbery!"
Looking at Lei Zhen, Gao Cai continued to command the fairy to spend a disaster every ten thousand years. These disasters are extremely difficult to spend themselves. It is tricky to let Niu Xuan’s three brothers Leijie replace other disasters to spend the fairy fruit.
After doing this, Gao Cai flew into the cloud cave of Qilin Mountain with a bullet and a streamer in his hand and turned into a golden curtain.
Niu Xuan, who was practicing in a closed room, suddenly woke up and looked at the streamer in front of him. He suddenly looked happy and said, "Jiu Nan method to avoid three disasters?"
After realizing the importance of the dharma in front of them, the three men walked to the throne in unison and bowed down to the heavenly palace. "Thank you for giving the dharma!"
After the three men digested the dharma tactic, they slowly spread it to their brother in their own fairy.
After many moves, Gao Caibu slowly deduced the dream enlightenment method and added many of his own feelings into this dream of sanctification method to pursue and explore this world source.
After some deduction, Gao Cai practiced the Daoism in dreams again, and this time, Gao Cai decided to make a little effort to let a yuan god fall into the golden urn with merit and enter the dream.
Before practice, it was a dream, but there was no external force to enter it. This time, it was the Yuan God who deduced the dream. In the end, it was a genius who could also predict it.
In the operation of the achievement method, there is a chaos in my mind again, and the trace of Yuan God has quietly entered this chaos, turning a Pangu giant into a golden urn and a giant axe.
In a huge sound, everything in heaven and earth was created, and the trace of Yuan God and the axe of meritorious deeds were violently integrated into everything in heaven and earth.
The mythical Pangu giant also split into three figures and merged into the world to practice when everything collapsed.
In this practice, everything in heaven and earth gradually multiplied and several creatures appeared.
Gradually, a will of these creatures and the broken heaven and earth forces of the dream world merged together to form a figure, which is like heaven, but not something derived from high talent
He was born in a dream of high talent, but it was not the product of a dream of high talent, but a kind of willingness of poor creatures in the dream and the power of heaven and earth that produced the dream.
This creature is the Hongjun Hongjun in the dream of Gao Cai, who took charge of the dream of Gao Cai as soon as it appeared, but the three figures of Gao Cai’s little deification gradually became stronger and stronger, which contradicted that it was not Gao Cai that produced Hongjun.
In this entanglement, Hongjun gradually became stronger and finally became the first saint. He has more and more control over the world and has been able to eliminate all living things in the world and completely control the world.
However, Hong Jun can’t disappear once all living things are destroyed, and at this time, the high-talented Yuan God can also influence the dream world through those three split Yuan gods.
In order to better control the world dream, Hongjun accepted his three apprentices and taught them the cultivation method. By chopping three corpses, he constantly split Gao Cai’s little yuan power in an attempt to put an end to the influence of Gao Cai Yuan God on the dream world.
Although the creatures in Gao Cai’s dream can perceive the influence of Gao Cai, they don’t know what this influence is.
In order to put an end to the doubts of three powerful creatures, Hongjun named Gao Cai’s influence avenue in his dream.
And hung-jun slowly controls the changes of the universe and heaven to constantly kill the influence of Gao Cai Yuan God on dreams, and he tries to control the dream world. If all creatures want to control this world, they will be able to become real creatures, break the dream world, devour Gao Cai Yuan God and seize success.
All the talents in the dream world are gradually becoming clear, because the dream control is getting weaker and weaker because the dream is high.
Chapter six hundred and thirty-six Tai Chi Yuan Shen
Only when Hongjun has gradually broken away from Gao can he control the dream world of Gao Cai, which is controlled by the wishes of millions of creatures in the dream and the powerful creatures are constantly controlled.
However, Gao Cai’s deification of the three saints was forced by Hong Jun to defend himself against this Hongjun. Although Gao Cai’s deity was connected, the three saints were each looking for ways to control the saints.
It was before the three men made any achievements that Hung-chun destroyed it and caused the three men to split. All this was just like a vast expanse of land.
If you don’t find a way to solve the dream Hongjun, you will have a lesson of being robbed. If you can ask Hongjun to unite the power department of the dream creatures and control their thoughts, then he will be able to break through the dream and seize the talents and enter the wild world.
In the face of this situation, on the one hand, Gao Cai slowly influenced the dream world through Yuan Shen, and on the other hand, he was considering other ways to interfere with the dream world that was getting out of control.
Although the changes in the dream world make Gao Cai feel worried, the changes in the dream make Gao Cai suddenly realize something in his heart. Isn’t this how Hongjun took charge of heaven and collected Sanqing disciples, but let Sanqing fight in secret?

Long Cang and others are even more jaw-dropping.

What’s going on?
After a while, the attitude of kung fu barbarians to them unexpectedly came to a shocking reversal?
The first reaction of the dragons is that barbarians cheat!
But on second thought, the barbarians have always acted openly and resentfully, and they never hide what they say.
If you really want to plead guilty, it will never be this gesture.
But the dragons are puzzled and don’t understand what happened.
The barbarian young master made an invitation gesture and said, "Brother Longmo, please go inside."
Long Huang himself thoughtfully a little eyes turn fell on two barbarian bodhi old zu body some hesitation said, "this is not good? Two barbarian predecessors have just angered me that barbarians don’t welcome me. "
Two barbarian bodhi old zu face a red almost find a disappear.
Two barbarian bodhi old zu hate her teeth!
How could they not hear that Long Huang was telling them on purpose after living for such a big age?
Two barbarian bodhi old zu dawdled and walked over to the Long Huang’s real arch and said with a passive attitude, "Please forgive me for our barbarian nature, dragon Lord. Don’t take it to heart."
"Good talk, good talk"
Long Huang himself smiled slightly and said, "The two seniors are serious."
The barbarian young master came to hug Long Huang’s real arm and said with a smile, "Brother Long Mo, let’s drink a lot of today’s things even if it is over."
"When the time comes, we will go to the National Assembly together!"
Chapter one thousand five hundred and forty-nine All nations gather together
Linglong Secret Land of Kunlun Ruins
Su Mo came back here again after a hundred years.
Over the years, I have gained a lot from practicing Su Mo, and I have stepped into the half-ancestor and realized a little magical power.
But he still failed to break through.
There is no change in the exquisite land, but there is one less person around Su Mo.
Nianqi left.
Su Mo looked at this land and couldn’t help but recall the scene where he was extremely angry and read March.
Although it happened a hundred years ago, it seems like yesterday.
"Don’t worry, Mo is very clever in reading Qi, and she will be fine."
Extremely fire aside to comfort one.
Night spirit is still transformed into a black youth to follow behind Su Mo and remain silent.
"What about the treasures here?"
Three people came to the chamber of secrets in Linglong Land, looking at Linglong Fairy and leaving many treasures, frowning and asking.
Sue ink thoughtfully a little way "or leave them here"
"These treasures are the hope of the exquisite immortal Terran, but the ancient war Terran won."
"And if the situation facing the Terran today is more dangerous than in ancient times, it may be the last retreat of the Terran."
Extreme fire nodded.
Two people came to the exquisite fairy left a word before the wall worship again before turning away from the shakotan coast.
A hundred years ago, compared with Su Mo, the three men were much stronger!
The three of them walked all the way from Linglong Mystery to the periphery of Kunlun Market. There were almost no spectres and ghosts who dared to get close to them and had long since avoided them!
The three men went all the way back to the wild mainland in less than half a day.
Su Mo looked at the direction of Zhongzhou and whispered, "I am coming to the National Assembly!"
Zhongzhou Tianyan Mountain Range
This mountain range is filled with fog all the year round, but it seems that someone has manipulated all the fog to disperse at this time.
Since ancient times, the most mysterious and powerful in the realm of fix true is the Terran Holy Land!
In ancient times, things have changed, and even the major super clans have seen many collapses and rises, and only the Xuanji Palace stands!