
1. **美白效果**:甘草粉中含有丰富的甘草甜素和甘草黄酮,这些成分能有效抑制细胞黑色素的形成,减少酪氨酸酶的活性,从而达到美白的效果。此外,甘草还具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基,减缓皮肤衰老。

2. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:甘草中的抗氧化成分可以中和自由基,减缓细胞衰老,有助于保持肌肤的年轻状态。

3. **润肤保湿**:甘草具有润肤保湿的功效,可以改善肌肤干燥状况,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

4. **止咳润喉**:甘草具有润肺止咳的作用,对于干咳、咽喉痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。因此,甘草片常被用于治疗咳嗽和咽喉不适。

5. **清热解毒**:甘草在中医理论中具有清热解毒的功效,可以用于治疗疮疡肿毒、咽喉痛等症状。

6. **调节免疫**:甘草粉具有一定的免疫调节作用,可以增强机体的抵抗力。

7. **辅助消化**:甘草粉具有一定的促消化作用,可以缓解消化不良、便秘等症状。

8. **辅助治疗**:甘草粉在中医中常与其他药材配伍使用,以辅助治疗多种疾病,如感冒、咳嗽、皮肤炎症等。


– **适量使用**:过量使用甘草粉可能导致水肿、血压升高、肝功能异常等副作用。建议按照医生或说明书的推荐剂量使用。


– **不宜长期服用**:长期大量服用甘草粉可能引起不良反应,因此建议不要长期连续服用。

– **个体差异**:不同人对甘草粉的反应可能不同,使用前最好咨询专业医生。

– **注意禁忌**:甘草粉与某些药物(如大戟、芫花、甘遂、海藻等)不宜同时使用。



1. **促进消化与开胃**:酸梅酒中的有机酸能够促进唾液和胃液的分泌,帮助食物的消化和吸收,同时也能增强食欲。

2. **消除疲劳**:酸梅酒含有多种天然矿物质和维生素,有助于人体新陈代谢,消除疲劳,恢复体力。

3. **降肝火与滋养肝脏**:中医认为酸梅酒可以降肝火,对于肝火旺盛的人群有一定的缓解作用,同时有助于滋养肝脏。

4. **改善睡眠**:酸梅酒可以帮助那些夜间难以入睡或睡眠质量不佳的人改善睡眠状况。

5. **调节血压**:对于高血压患者,适量饮用酸梅酒可能有助于血压的稳定。

6. **解毒养颜**:酸梅酒具有一定的解毒作用,可以帮助清除体内毒素,改善肤色,使皮肤白皙润泽。

7. **预防结石**:酸梅酒中的柠檬酸能与血液中的钙质结合,有助于预防结石的形成。



8. **减肥塑身**:酸梅酒中的酚类物质有助于抑制脂肪堆积,对于减肥塑身有一定的帮助。

9. **抗衰老**:酸梅酒中的多酚类物质能够促进新陈代谢,延缓衰老,对皮肤具有抗衰老作用。


10. **抗菌消炎**:酸梅酒中的有机酸具有抗菌消炎的作用,可以提高肠内的杀菌作用。



### 营养价值:

1. **不饱和脂肪酸**:麻籽中含有丰富的α-亚麻酸(ALA),这是一种ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸,对心血管健康有益。
2. **蛋白质**:麻籽含有高质量的植物性蛋白质,对肌肉健康和身体恢复有帮助。


3. **纤维**:高纤维含量有助于消化系统的健康,可以预防便秘。
4. **矿物质**:富含镁、锌、钙和铁等矿物质,对骨骼和免疫系统有益。
5. **维生素**:含有一定量的B族维生素,如维生素B1、B2、B3等,有助于能量代谢。

### 保健功效:

1. **心血管健康**:ω-3脂肪酸有助于降低血压和胆固醇水平,预防心脏病。
2. **抗炎作用**:α-亚麻酸具有抗炎作用,可以减轻关节炎等炎症性疾病。
3. **消化系统健康**:高纤维有助于改善消化,预防便秘和肠癌。
4. **皮肤健康**:ω-3脂肪酸有助于改善皮肤状况,减少皮肤干燥和皮炎。
5. **体重管理**:高纤维和低热量有助于控制体重,预防肥胖。
6. **大脑健康**:ω-3脂肪酸对大脑发育和认知功能有益,有助于预防老年痴呆症。

### 注意事项:

1. **过敏反应**:部分人可能对麻籽过敏,食用前请咨询医生。
2. **剂量控制**:过量摄入ω-3脂肪酸可能导致血液稀释,影响凝血功能。



1. **增强消化能力**:姜中含有姜辣素和姜酮,可以刺激胃黏膜,促进胃肠道充血,从而增强消化能力,有助于食物的消化吸收。

2. **促进排毒**:姜炒食品有助于体内垃圾和毒素的排出,防止便秘和脂肪堆积。

3. **改善血液循环**:姜炒食品能够扩张血管,使毛孔打开,有助于将多余的热量和体内的病菌、寒气一同排出。

4. **缓解症状**:姜炒食品对因寒凉引起的咳嗽、胃痛、胃炎、痢疾等病症有缓解作用,对肠炎、慢性支气管炎、小儿百日咳等症状也有一定的治疗效果。

5. **驱寒除湿**:对于风寒感冒、体寒等问题,姜炒食品能有效驱除体内的寒气和湿气,增强体质。


6. **提高免疫力**:姜炒食品中的蛋白质和姜辣素等成分,有助于提高身体的免疫力,增强新陈代谢。


7. **止咳化痰**:姜炒食品对支气管炎、急性喉炎引起的上呼吸道感染以及风寒咳嗽有很好的治疗作用。

8. **保肝护肝**:姜炒食品有助于促进身体血液循环,对肝脏有保护作用。

9. **温中止呕**:对于因寒凉食物导致的腹胀、腹痛、呕吐等症状,姜炒食品有很好的缓解作用。

10. **改善痛经**:炒姜还具有养宫温经的功效,对痛经有一定的改善效果。




1. **降低胆固醇**:藕尖含有丰富的黏液蛋白,这种物质能够与人体内的胆酸盐结合,促进胆汁酸的排出,从而减少胆固醇在体内的沉积,有助于降低血脂,预防心血管疾病。

2. **增加食欲促进消化**:藕尖质地鲜嫩,味道清香,含有丰富的鞣质。鞣质能够刺激肠胃蠕动,加快消化液分泌,从而增强食欲,促进消化。

3. **清肠排毒缓解便秘**:藕尖中富含膳食纤维,膳食纤维进入人体后能吸水膨胀,促进肠胃蠕动,有助于清除肠道内的垃圾和食物残渣,预防便秘,同时也有助于排除体内毒素。

4. **补血功效**:藕尖含有较高的铁元素,铁是血红蛋白合成的重要成分,食用藕尖有助于补血,对于贫血症状有一定的改善作用。


5. **预防心血管疾病**:藕尖中黏液蛋白的胆固醇中和作用,有助于降低血液中胆固醇的含量,从而预防高血压、高血脂、动脉粥样硬化等心脑血管疾病。

6. **延缓衰老**:藕尖中含有较多的维生素C,这种维生素具有抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,减少对细胞的损伤,有助于延缓衰老。

7. **适合产妇食用**:产妇在分娩后食用藕尖,能够补充铁元素,促进血红蛋白的生成,有助于改善产后气血两虚和贫血的症状。



1. **营养价值丰富**:琵琶果含有大量的维生素C、维生素B1、维生素E以及纤维素等营养物质,同时富含钾、钙、镁等矿物质。这些成分对于增强人体免疫力、促进新陈代谢、维护皮肤健康以及支持心血管系统都有着积极的作用。

2. **促进消化**:水果被誉为“消化之火”,琵琶果作为水果之一,能够帮助改善消化系统功能,有助于消化。

3. **解渴作用**:琵琶果煮水后,其丰富的水分能够被更好地释放出来,方便饮用,同时煮后的琵琶果更加柔软,有助于补充水分。

4. **润肺止咳**:琵琶果具有润肺止咳的功效,适合那些有呼吸道不适症状的人食用。

5. **促进视力与身体发育**:琵琶果中含有丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素C,这些营养素对于胎儿视力以及身体健康发育具有积极作用。

6. **提高免疫力**:琵琶果中的维生素C等成分可以增强人体免疫力,帮助抵抗疾病。

7. **预防疾病**:水果中的食物纤维、维生素A、E、C、多酚等成分有助于预防动脉硬化、降低胆固醇、利尿以及预防癌症。

8. **预防老化**:水果中的果糖甜味成分易燃烧,不会导致发胖,而且可以补充有助于防止老化的营养素。

9. **稳定血糖与体重**:适量食用琵琶果可以稳定血糖,同时由于其卡路里较低,有助于维持健康的体重。


10. **精神与情绪调节**:琵琶果的芳香能够镇静安神,有助于缓解压力和焦虑。


"You say I listen" white-haired man asked with a smile.

Su Zhengdong looked at him with a smile. "Don’t worry, just wait here for a while. We have time to talk."
"Yes, hehe."
Songjiang city, the ninth special zone
Ma Laoer was cooking noodles in the warehouse when he suddenly heard the bell ring.
"It’s me" is a familiar sound in the words.
Chapter 4 Conditions of Lu Xiaofeng
A day later, at nine o’clock in the morning, adjutant Zhang took two soldiers to the military airport with military vehicles.
This airport is a few days ago to send Qin Yu and others away from that place. After Zhang Aide arrived, he went directly to the main building dispatching room.
The main is a bald man in his forties who was in the first-line army before middle age. Later, he was transferred here to take charge of dispatching because his hands and feet were not too clean and his style was too stepping on the line.
"Zhang adjutant have what instructions? Hehe! " Bald middle-aged smiled and poured a cup of tea for each other and sat down next to the sofa.
"Are there any transport planes to the second district these days?" Zhang adjutant stretching his legs asked
"These days? I am really not sure! " Bald middle-aged thinking immediately got up and said, "wait for me!" "
"hmm!" Zhang adjutant nodded
Bald middle-aged stepped to the desk and took out two big heads from the side three-level filing cabinet to rummage through it.
Zhang adjutant drank tea and waited quietly.
"These days, there are no Tuesdays, and two trips are to Freedom City." Bald middle-aged people rummaged for a long time before they looked up and said.
After thinking for a long time, aide Zhang said, "Move the Tuesday flight to take off at five o’clock tonight and let Lao Xin form a crew to fly directly to Marion."
"Aren’t you going to Liberty City?" Bald middle-aged people have some doubts. "Marion, we don’t have a job."
"When we talk about the first batch of materials, we will send someone to pick them up when we get to Marion Freedom City," Zhang adjutant said vaguely. "Just do it!"
"Ok!" Bald middle-aged nodding
"OK, that’s it!" Zhang adjutant got up and pointed to balding middle-aged and said; "You are busy, I am leaving!"
"I’ll send you!"
"No," adjutant Zhang went to the door and paused for a moment, then suddenly turned back and said, "How many people will the plane bring back? You don’t want Zhang to land and send me directly!"
Bald middle-aged stunned a "white!"
"Be strict with your big mouth recently," Zhang adjutant told him again.
"Don’t worry, no secrets will leak from me," grinned the bald middle-aged man.
"Okay, that’s it!" Zhang adjutant threw a pat on each other’s arm and quickly left.
It’s more than noon in Bashi.
Su Zhengdong sat on the dining table of the mansion and looked at Lu Xiaofeng and said, "It doesn’t really conflict if you want to leave and I want something to work!"

Of course, the vision of four people’s blood vessels has also been unable to support the crumbling.

Four people shot again.
The spring breeze sword method is more exquisite than the endless offensive, and the department where Junyu is located is sealed!
Yuehua Sword Immortal has a sharper edge and sharper swordsmanship.
The two men’s swordsmanship, one rigid, one soft, one yang and one yin, cooperated with each other, and their fighting power rose sharply.
Feng Zhenxian holds a sword in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, and Meng Yao cooperates with each other to cut off all the retreat of Junyu!
The four true immortals joined forces to break out with amazing fighting power!
Even Yunzhu and Moqing, two onlookers, felt a bad frown.
Jun Yu took his time and suddenly took a step in one direction.
This step is more mysterious than a gazelle.
But one step will instantly get rid of the four true fairy blockades and get out!
"Jiugong micro-step!"
See jun Yu posture su mo heart a shock light nan.
This footwork was released by a woman in black when Wudao Zun crossed Zhenwu 10 robberies.
Then I learned from Lin Luo that this kind of footwork was named Jiugong Micro Step, which was given to her by Linglong Fairy.
At present, Su Mo knows that there are also Linglong Xian and Lin Luo who know this footwork.
Even Lin Lei and Ren Huang didn’t learn!
At the beginning, he was released once by mistake.
But in fact, he didn’t control the nine-house micro-step, which was an inspiration and it was difficult to replicate in the future
I didn’t expect him to see this mysterious and strange footwork again today at Chess Fairy Body!
Chapter two thousand five hundred and sixty-four Letter from the school
Of course, neither Lin Luo nor Yu, the chess fairy in front of him, displayed the nine-palace micro-steps without budo Zun. When Du Jie saw the woman in black, her footwork was exquisite.
Just as Su Mo was thinking, Junyu got rid of the siege of four people, including Mengyao and Yuehua Sword Fairy, and fought back without stopping!
Jun Yu came to the front of Mengyao and raised my hand and slapped it down toward Mengyao’s face.
"Tianyuan hit!"
Junyu light drinks one.
The central position of the star chessboard is Tianyuan
This secret method is equivalent to turning the whole battlefield into a chessboard, occupying Tianyuan position by itself, which can mobilize all the strength of the whole chessboard and explode the strongest blow!
Meng Yao and others launched an offensive without flaw, but they were freed by Jun Yu.
So Meng Yao and others instantly fall into the wind.
This kind of feeling is like a game between the two sides, Jun Yu, amazing and wonderful, turning the situation upside down in an instant, Gan Kun!
Every step of the battlefield chess game is a game!
Although there are a large number of people here in Mengyao, falling into this chess game is just Jun Yu chess.
Dream Yao heart fiercely hurriedly pull back at the same time will guqin erected condensed true yuan block in front of yourself.
Junyu slaps his palm on the bottom of Mengyao Guqin, such as beating leather.
Meng Yao was shocked all over!
Even with guqin resisting and resolving this Tianyuan blow, Meng Yao still couldn’t resist the vibration of zang-fu organs and spit out one mouthful blood.

Looking at Jade Duxiu’s attitude, Miaoyu immediately smiled and froze while breaking the war with a wry smile and grabbed Miaoyu’s hand. "Your brother has been resurrected, and you have no feelings for worldly desires’s body and heaven. Don’t get me wrong."

"No feelings?" Miaoyu stared blankly at Yudu Duxiu. "Is it true what my brother and sister said?"
Jade Duxiu nodded. "That’s true! But you don’t have to worry about my own calculations. "
"What happened to chaos in those days?" Jade bodhi old zu curious way
"It’s good to see the bodhi old zu, but it’s good to be alive." Miaoyu tugged at the ear of the bodhi old zu, which provoked the bodhi old zu to run his teeth and then came to the side of Jade Duxiu. Slowly, his face was full of remorse. "Brother blames me for not protecting Sister Wen’s family."
"Don’t blame you! You have fallen, and you still have the heart to care for others. It won’t be long before they will be reincarnated! " Jade Duxiu looked at Miaoyu and said, "The turtle prime minister has been my soul-stirring spirit. In one thousand, this old thing will be stunned by the impact of heaven’s consciousness. It is also called the hatred of the year."
With that, Jade Duxiu turned and walked back to the hall to continue the alchemy.
Watching Jade Duxiu go far away, Miaoyu worried and looked at Jade Duxiu’s back. "Brother, are you okay?"
"Nothing. Do you think your brother looks nothing?" Jade bodhi old zu stare eyes "not only he has something, even bodhi old zu I also follow the unlucky bodhi old zu I also have something"
"Where is the bodhi old zu?" Miaoyu looked at the jade bodhi old zu. "The bodhi old zu has a good life. Where does it look like something?"
The jade bodhi old zu rolled his eyes and his eyes were full of sadness. "Hongjun said I was in trouble, so I must be in trouble. In fact, my greatest wish is to eat a bite of heaven before I die to see what it tastes like!"
Listening to the words of the jade bodhi old zu, the jade in Zixiao Palace suddenly shuddered and the wonderful jade was also covered with black lines.
Jade bodhi old zu muttered, "I’ve eaten everything, but I don’t know if it’s delicious."
Just then, I suddenly saw a lotus flower flying into the sky and rising and falling outside Zixiao Palace. I hurried into Zixiao Palace and saluted Yu Duxiu. "The Lord has a trace of the sky!"
"In the sky?" Jade Duxiu looked at The Hunger "where is it? Some accounts should also be calculated. "
"blood sea" blood magic road
Jade Duxiu closed his eyes and nodded. "Don’t disturb people. Let’s go and have a look."
Jade Duxiu The Hunger quietly came out of the blood sea of Jade Jingshan.
Jade Duxiu arrival can’t hide from the ghost owner, but the ghost owner slowly walks out of "What did the pavilion come here for?"
"You go by yourself" Jade Duxiu The Hunger disappeared in a sea of blood.
"It was in this embryo that the owner felt the air-breathing machine, a bloody embryo, which constantly absorbed the vitality of the blood sea, that I was aware of it." The Hunger led Yu Duxiu to a bloody embryo.
"good! Very good! If it is the air machine, this person was almost broken. I calculated that it was more important for Tai Su to get involved. Don’t let it out. "Jade Duxiu looked at The Hunger.
"White" The Hunger respectful way
Jade Duxiu nodded and reached out with a palm to break the bloody embryo and saw that the baby-sized mosquito in the embryo was gestating.
It’s strange that this embryo is so strange that it didn’t notice the abnormality when it came to this place.
Half of the mosquitoes were born when the embryo puncture fluid splashed, and they suddenly woke up and looked at them and they were about to escape.
"Hey!" Jade Duxiu stretched out a palm and instantly absorbed the mosquito. Seeing the whole body of the mosquito flashing black, a group of mosquitoes fled in all directions.
"Good means" The Hunger’s long sword is drawn and the mosquito will be beheaded, only to see that Jade Duxiu has taken the lead. The palm of his hand moves back in time and the mosquito reappears in the hands of Jade Duxiu.
At this time, the mosquito sensed that it was not good to show his fierce qi activity and actually launched an attack on Jade Duxiu.
"The gladiator’s arm is vulnerable" Jade Duxiu smiled coldly, and the black lotus in the palm of his hand flashed and wrapped the mosquito.
With the mosquito fluttering and flying out of the heart, I finally gave up and glared at Yu Duxiu. "Hongjun, you broke my embryo and made me fall short. Do you really want to kill them all?" At least we were friends for tens of thousands of years! "
"The past is easy for me, and the future is easy for me. Since I did the right thing, I almost ruined my plan. Can you? Since you didn’t come back before I joined the road, I have joined the road now, so you will never disappear and don’t come back. "Black lotus in the hands of Jade Duxiu forcibly infected mosquitoes.
"Hung-chun, if you want to turn me into your puppet, you can’t!" Fighting hard in the sky has absorbed more time than jade alone, and it has been swallowed up by this mosquito.
Jade Duxiu doesn’t stop it, but reveals a sneer. "You have to spit out how much time goes back!"
Before going back in time or partially going back in time, I was swallowed up in the sky, and my strength was actually intact and I was spit out in the sky.
"You … motherfucker!" I don’t know what to say to the weather, but The Hunger is even more dumbfounded.
Chapter 236 Tai Su Wen Yingji
The strength of the sky is comparable to that of the jade, and soon a black lotus flower is integrated into the sky in the air.
Jade Duxiu closed his hand and looked gloomy in the sky. There, a pair of eyes stared at Jade Duxiu and Jade Duxiu unmoved. "From today on, you will plunder all the powerful people in the wild land, and you will make them stunned. Maybe you can hear it?"
"Yeah, you’d better make an abacus and throw dirty water at me! Tell me to do all the bad things! " Look gloomy in the sky
"This matter can not be doomed to today’s cause and effect when you were blindsided." After that, Yu Duxiu turned around and turned back to Yu Jingshan to stay in the sky. After all, it took a long time to take a deep breath and had to fly out of the sea of blood towards the perfect world.
Jade Duxiu is quietly talking in the Jade Mountain, and it is not too lonely to have a wonderful jade in the cold.
Look at the battlefield in the sky, where mosquitoes have passed, and the monks have flashed a piece of skin and danced in the air.
"There are a lot of evils in the sky!" Jade bodhi old zu leaned in

Just positive hard just two fame in the early days, he didn’t believe that he couldn’t cope with it.

Bang ~ ~ ~
Suddenly, the front door crashed and several pieces of wood were sprayed out.
Shadow snake swept away the broken wood with a wave of his hand.
Then two knife lights, one red and one blue, filled his eyes
Two gases, one cold and one hot, are more violent than the shadow snake, and it is hard to resist and retreat to avoid trying to flash.
However, the blue knife light suddenly accelerated, and the knife gas was like water and silk. It seemed that a torrent of water would restrict him.
A flaming knife light was chopped at the head, and before it was hot, it baked his other hair dry.
Just about to escape, I felt a burst of resistance around me, and my body suddenly stagnated. Although he suddenly broke out, he immediately flew to hide, but he still failed to finish hiding.
Ah ~ ~ ~
A piercing scream shadow snake half arm was cut off by a red gas instantaneous wrapped brokeback zi zi to burn.
However, ranging from the shadow snake to continue to move a figure, it quickly came like a knife light and entangled again.
Shadow snake is humbled to death. Most of his strength is in a ghostly shape, but when he meets this water-like knife method, he is restrained.
"It’s not too late for you to take revenge for ten years!"
Thought of here, the shadow snake’s body flashed and split with one arm, directly frying a shadow, and the cold air tore a blue knife light.
Whoosh ~ ~
Shadow snake instantly a long gray-black snake swam rapidly.
"Where to go!"
I returned to the sea and drank a knife light in my hand like a crescent moon!
Poof ~ ~ ~
The long snake was directly cut off by half of its tail, but its main body quickly disappeared into the shadow.
Chapter 9 Out of the city
Outside the gate, Sheng Wang was masked in black, and he was talking about it. He stretched out his head on a roof and looked at Yu Fu.
Unfortunately, there is a dark place in the eye, and there is no trace of fighting at the root of the house.
"It’s a pity that I can’t see that old ghost should be killing Mrs. Yu and her cubs now." He was excited to imagine all kinds of killing pictures.
Suddenly, there were bursts of red and blue light in the depths of Yufu, and there was a fierce fight.
"hey! Why is it so intense? Does this old ghost still want to play? It is also more interesting for the more fierce the resistance! "
Sheng Wang heart slightly surprised and then relieved.
Soon the fighting came to an abrupt end, and then he saw a large shadow flying out from the depths of Yufu.
"It’s over so soon! Why don’t you play more? "
Sheng Wang jumped from the roof and landed outside Yufu Gate.
Those shadows came near, and suddenly a poisonous snake emerged from the shadows and suddenly bit Sheng Wang’s neck.
Wang Shenggen didn’t guard against it. Suddenly, the gray-black imprint was quickly covered with his body, which made him stiff.
His face was stunned and frightened, and then it was covered by dark shadows and disappeared in an instant.