
1. **补肾气**:太溪穴位于脚踝内侧,是肾经上的穴位。艾灸太溪穴能够补充和增强人体的肾气,对肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有缓解作用。

2. **打通肾经**:太溪穴作为肾经的原穴,能够激发和调动身体的原动力,有助于打通肾经,促进气血的循环。

3. **滋阴补肾**:太溪穴擅长滋阴补肾,对于因阴虚引起的疾病,如消渴、咽喉肿痛、失眠、遗精、阳痿等有良好的治疗作用。

4. **通调三焦**:艾灸太溪穴有助于调节三焦的功能,对于身体的各种调节失衡有改善作用。

5. **降气平喘**:太溪穴对于肺气上逆引起的症状,如胸痛、咯血、肺气肿、支气管炎、哮喘等有缓解作用。

6. **壮阳强腰**:艾灸太溪穴有助于壮阳强腰,对于腰脊痛、下肢厥冷、遗精等病症有治疗作用。


7. **改善寒凉体质**:对于一些寒凉体质的人来说,艾灸太溪穴可以温暖身体,改善手脚发凉等症状。


8. **缓解月经不适**:对于女性来说,艾灸太溪穴有助于缓解月经期间肚子痛等不适症状。


9. **改善咽喉干涩**:对于肾阴不足引起的咽喉干涩、无唾液等症状,艾灸太溪穴能起到补充肾阴的作用。

10. **防治肾结石**:对于体内有肾结石的人来说,经常艾灸太溪穴有助于缓解肾绞痛。



1. **活血化瘀**:伊朗藏红花的主要功效之一是活血化瘀。它能够促进血液循环,有效治疗因血瘀引起的痛经、月经不调、闭经、腹痛、跌打损伤等症状。

2. **调节月经**:对于女性来说,伊朗藏红花对于改善月经不调、闭经、痛经、产后瘀血腹痛等妇科疾病有显著疗效。


3. **预防心脑血管疾病**:藏红花中的有效成分能够预防心脑血管疾病的发生,对于高血压、高血脂、高血糖的患者有一定的疗效。

4. **调节肝肾功能**:伊朗藏红花对肝肾功能有良好的调节作用,有助于改善肝肾功能。

5. **抗肿瘤和癌症**:现代研究表明,伊朗藏红花对于抗肿瘤和恶性癌症有一定的作用。

6. **凉血解毒**:藏红花具有凉血解毒的功效,可用于治疗因血热导致的衄血、呕血、咯血、吐血、尿血、崩漏等出血症状,还可用于疖、疖子、痤疮等症状。

7. **强身健体**:伊朗藏红花能促进巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,从而增强机体免疫力,达到强身健体、延缓衰老的作用。

8. **美容养颜**:藏红花对于美容养颜也有一定效果,可以改善肤色,减少色斑。



1. **生态平衡的维护者**:猫头鹰捕食鼠类、蛇类等小型动物,有助于控制害虫数量,维持生态平衡,对农业生产有积极作用。

2. **生物多样性的贡献者**:猫头鹰是自然界中的一个重要组成部分,它们的生存状况往往能反映出生态环境的健康状况。

3. **科学研究的新启示**:猫头鹰的许多生理结构,如微纳结构的羽毛、独特的头部旋转能力、出色的听力等,都为科学家提供了研究的素材,有助于推动科技发展。

4. **文化的丰富**:猫头鹰在许多文化中都有其独特的象征意义,如哈利波特的宠物海德薇,丰富了人类的文化生活。

5. **实用技术的借鉴**:猫头鹰的某些特性,如羽毛的消音功能,为人类在噪声控制方面的技术提供了灵感。


6. **经济的间接贡献**:猫头鹰的存在吸引了游客,对旅游业产生了一定的推动作用。

7. **工业产品的改进**:如猫头鹰公司生产的散热器、风扇等产品,它们在性能和设计上受到了猫头鹰特性的启发,对提升产品竞争力有积极作用。




1. 清热解毒:冬桑叶性寒,能清热解毒,适用于治疗风热感冒、喉咙痛、口腔溃疡等症状。


2. 清肺止咳:冬桑叶能清肺热,对于肺热咳嗽、痰多等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. 消肿止痛:冬桑叶具有消肿止痛的功效,适用于治疗咽喉肿痛、牙痛、关节疼痛等症状。

4. 降低血压:现代研究表明,冬桑叶具有降低血压的作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. 抗氧化:冬桑叶中含有丰富的天然抗氧化物质,如黄酮类化合物、多酚类化合物等,有助于清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

6. 利尿消肿:冬桑叶有利尿消肿的作用,适用于治疗水肿、小便不利等症状。

7. 抗菌消炎:冬桑叶具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于皮肤感染、疮疡等症状有一定的缓解作用。

8. 调节血糖:研究发现,冬桑叶具有一定的调节血糖的作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


9. 保护心血管:冬桑叶能降低血脂、降低血液粘稠度,有助于保护心血管健康。

10. 健脾胃:冬桑叶具有健脾养胃的作用,适用于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振等症状。



1. **增强记忆和抗衰老**:花生中富含的维生素E和锌元素对于大脑功能的维持和提升有重要作用。维生素E具有抗氧化作用,能帮助减缓脑细胞的老化,从而增强记忆力,延缓脑功能衰退。

2. **滋润皮肤**:花生中的维生素E对皮肤有很好的滋润作用,能够帮助皮肤保持弹性,减少皱纹的产生。

3. **止血作用**:花生中的维生素K具有止血作用,对于多种出血性疾病有良好的止血效果。特别是花生红衣的止血作用比花生本身高出50倍。

4. **降低胆固醇**:花生中的不饱和脂肪酸和甾醇有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,从而预防动脉硬化和高血压等心血管疾病。

5. **预防肠癌**:花生纤维组织中的可溶性纤维可以吸收体内有害物质,减少肠癌发生的风险。


6. **扶正补虚**:花生有扶正补虚、悦脾和胃、润肺化痰、滋养调气、利水消肿、止血生乳、清咽止疟的作用。

7. **促进身体健康**:花生含有高质量的蛋白质,其蛋白质含量相当于小麦的两倍,大米的三倍,与鸡蛋、牛奶相比毫不逊色。此外,花生油中的植物固醇和白藜芦醇等成分有助于防治肿瘤类疾病,降低血小板聚集,预防和治疗动脉粥样硬化、心脑血管疾病。

8. **调节消化功能**:花生中的植物纤维有助于增加胃肠道蠕动,预防便秘和其他消化问题。

9. **保护肝脏**:花生中的谷胱甘肽和维生素E等抗氧化物质可以帮助清除体内自由基,减轻肝脏受损程度,保护肝脏健康。


10. **调节免疫**:花生中的维生素C、维生素E等抗氧化物质和矿物质锌、硒等微量元素能增强免疫力,对抗环境污染和内部代谢产物对呼吸系统的损害。



1. **润肺止咳**:雪梨性寒,含有丰富的水分和多种维生素,能够润肺清热,对于治疗干咳无痰、喉咙痛等症状有很好的辅助作用。冰糖的加入则增强了润肺止咳的效果。


2. **清热解毒**:冰糖炖雪梨中的冰糖能够清热解毒,对于因外感温热病毒引起的发热、伤津、口渴等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **滋阴养胃**:雪梨具有滋阴养胃、生津止渴的功效,适合胃阴不足、脾虚失和等体质的人群食用,对于口燥食少、大便不畅等症状有治疗作用。

4. **降低血压**:雪梨中的某些成分有助于降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **改善呼吸道症状**:冰糖炖雪梨对于慢性气管炎、百日咳、慢性咽炎等呼吸道疾病有很好的治疗作用,能够祛除痰热、滋阴润肺。

6. **辅助治疗肺结核**:雪梨对于肺结核患者也有一定的缓解作用,可以减轻肺热咳嗽、喉痒痰多的症状。

7. **调和胃气**:冰糖炖雪梨对于胃阴不足、脾虚失和导致的呃逆症状也有一定的缓解作用。


8. **增加口感**:冰糖的加入使得冰糖炖雪梨既具有药用价值,又甘甜可口,易于被不同年龄层的人群接受。



Luo Qiubai wry smile way "Li Daoyou so believe that I will show me the closet peerless fencing"

Li Zhichang said faintly, "If fencing is unbreakable, it doesn’t matter. If you can break it once and build a wonderful work, can you do it twice?"
"It’s no wonder that Li Daoyou can touch the Golden Wonderland as soon as he enters the fairy. You are really like the old demon in Montenegro. Although there is still a gap in strength, this strong mentality is from law."
Li Zhichang will gently withdraw the scabbard like autumn water. "Just now, if this swordsmanship is achieved by Brother Luo, I will definitely be able to display it. Brother Luo and I will fight side by side."
Luo Qiubai smiled lightly. "I dare not lose with Li Xiong’s words."
"I’m already exhausted today. I’ll go first."
Li Zhichang body went quickly and quietly.
A pool of fresh lotus is dancing with the wind, and it seems that I don’t know anyone has been here.
At this time, an old Taoist priest slowly appeared around Luo Qiubai with a wine gourd and a scarlet complexion.
This person is the original pear Taoist and Li Zhi often met once.
He is brother Luo Qiubai.
The old Taoist priest said to Luo Qiubai, "This person doesn’t seem to be as emotional as we thought. If you are willing to make moves after March, your chances of winning should increase a lot."
Luo Qiubai raised his arm and said, "Some people can be defeated, others can’t be defeated. If Li Daoyou doesn’t prove Jin Xian for a day, he will never challenge the old demon in Montenegro. We have to deal with the old demon in Montenegro, but Li Daoyou’s pursuit of challenging the strong enemy differently from us is that he sharpens his own means rather than his purpose."
"It’s a pity." The old monk took a sip of wine.
When Li Zhichang met Fahai and Luo Qiubai, he felt that he should go to the humble Wang Chuanshan, a Confucian master who could never be born.
In fact, Wang Chuanshan is only fifty years old this year. He is a Confucian who does not seek immortality.
Although he is much younger than Li Zhichang, he has a profound understanding of heaven, earth and universe, even if he is not inferior to Li Zhichang.
Such people can’t measure it with general thoughts.
There is a kind of life that proves a certain truth, that is, it takes hard work to let people know the importance of talent.
He is that kind of person with great talent.
What happened in this man’s short 50-year career can’t be told in three days and nights. His life is really full of magic.
When he was six years old, Wang Chuanshan passed by Jinshan Temple with his father to visit Fahai Wang Chuanshan’s father. There were quite a few titles in Fahai. That night, they watched the moon together. Fahai suddenly asked Wang Chuanshan’s father to write a poem about how his father would do it for a while. At this time, Wang Chuanshan, a six-year-old boy, opened his mouth and came to "Jinshan as big as a fist to break Weiyang’s underwater days, and he was intoxicated with gauze, high platform, and the moon jade flute blew through the hole and the dragon slept."
At that time, there was an old dragon in the West Lake who didn’t go to hear the poem and returned it to Yang Bo to entertain.
Fahai, although a monk and a great virtue, can’t help raising eyebrows.
So I have the heart to try him and let him do another one.
Wang Chuanshan blurted out with great fear.
The mountain is near, the moon is far away and the moon is small.
The sidewalk is bigger than the moon.
If people have eyes as big as the sky
When the mountain is higher and the moon is wider.
In the past ten years, this man has lived in seclusion in Lushan Mountain and said that the number of his younger brothers has implicitly surpassed the four major hospitals.
His profound knowledge, such as the Milky Way’s literary spirit, has completely overwhelmed the great scholars of the present age to become ashamed masters.
If Confucianism does not seek immortality and ghosts and gods, his realm will be full of people all day long.
Of course, Wang Chuanshan can fight against the old demon in Montenegro because he left a treasure at the beginning.
The relics must be driven by people with lofty ideals.
This requires its own truth and various combinations.
This treasure left by the Confucian master has been able to drive all the most outstanding Confucian scholars since ancient times, which is also an important reason why Wang Chuanshan is recognized as a great master.
That treasure is also called the Spring and Autumn Pen, which is really fierce.
The so-called condemned man died of illness, and there was no blood in this murder.
At the beginning, the husband killed a figure who was almost comparable to the series, which made Confucianism spread to the world.
Li Zhichang didn’t go to Luzhou immediately, but walked slowly.
Visiting people needs to be in the right mood to go.
The ancients came and went on a whim, and he felt that his interest was not high now.
Although he is walking fast enough.
However, one day has come to Liangdu, the capital of Nanxia.
Since the northern alien invaded the great river, the northern part of the country has fallen, but the great Henan has kept it.
Hundreds of years’ accumulation in summer, including Confucianism and Buddhism, won’t make Zhongzhou fall, even though it’s a dispute.
Together, the two forces can maintain a deadlock even if the seven demon saints are vertical and horizontal, Qian Shan Wanshui and the northern demon clan strength can be added.
If it weren’t for the threat of the old demon in Montenegro, Luo Qiubai alone could make the northern devil Sect honestly.
Luo Qiubai is the first killer of Daomen for thousands of years. Even if the rising star Tai ‘a kills the sword, his title and record are still inferior to those of Luo Qiubai when he was young.

After going on for dozens of miles, the forest became darker and darker, and the soil on the ground became soft and gray. You can’t step over your ankle with one foot.

Sometimes I can step on hard objects and pick them up, but they are all kinds of bones!
Obviously, white ash is not strange soil, but ashes. It is hard to imagine how many biological remains will be weathered here to accumulate such thick ashes.
I don’t know how long it took, but with the sight of Huo Ranlang coming to a flat land, everyone was refreshed and then looked ahead in surprise.
Seeing that there is a huge palace in the middle of the Fiona Fang with more than ten miles of flat land, it is more magnificent than some unknown black metal. If a temple is suppressed there, it looks magnificent and quaint, giving people a very desolate feeling.
"The temple is there. Let’s get to our destination," said the elder. It was a little eerie.
The brothers of Xianjianzong were all jubilant when they heard the news. Those ordinary brothers rushed to the temple with cheers. They had already heard from the elders that there was everything in it, such as the magic secret method, the fairy medicine artifact, the secret of immortality, and so on. If you want to enter it, you can step into the sky and look down on the whole world from now on.
The palace gate didn’t pass through a gap one foot wide, and everyone soon filed behind the elder.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang …
The hall was dark, but with the arrival of all the people, a series of ancient bronze lamps on the surrounding walls suddenly lit up the hall, lighting up no less than ten lamps.
But before everyone could observe the hall environment and listen to the "bang" behind them, the black metal door suddenly rang!
Then, from the shadows around the corner of the hall, dozens of shadows suddenly rushed out at a very fast speed. Every line was like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, five or six ordinary brothers were cut off. Blood gushed out from the fountain at the broken neck and then flowed along the mysterious groove lines of the black floor to converge towards the center, gradually forming a strange blood picture.
The remaining people turned pale in an instant, and the shadows moved too fast before they could see what it was, and they found that a quarter of the other disciples had died.
"Get close to the ring star array!"
As soon as the master elder brother ordered the rest of the younger brothers to get close to each other and contract to form a circle, offering a sword to guard against the shadow and continue to sneak attack.
Being able to make a correct response in such a short time, I have to say that these brothers from famous families have great fighting qualities.
In this way, Qin Changfeng and the elders were left alone on the side.
The younger brothers believe that the elder’s strength is high and his roots need their protection. Finally, Qin Changfeng … Die early and rest in peace early.
However, the development of the situation completely exceeded their expectations.
There is no attack on the elder’s side, but Qin Changfeng’s side has four dark shadows coming from four directions at the same time.
Almost everyone tagged him as a dead man. However, in the indifferent eyes of all people, Qin Changfeng raised his palm and patted the whole hall to detain a heavy one. Then four golden dragons emerged from the virtual reality and four flashes rushed to the four sides. At the moment when the four shadows didn’t move, they were sprayed with golden light by Longkou to burn ashes.
The whole hall was instantly silent!
Everyone’s eyes widened, including the elder. It was unbelievable, as if he really knew him at this time.
"Do you know who I am?" Qin Changfeng held his head high and held his head high.
"Isn’t it Qin Leifeng?" The younger brothers in the blue girl weak tunnel
"wrong! Lei Feng is my pseudonym, "Qin Changfeng squinted at everyone with awe." My real name is Qin Ritian! "
Do people dare to say such a name is not afraid of thunder and lightning?
Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof ~ ~ ~ ~
However, in response to their head blood, those mysterious shadows reappeared, and only one sneak attack cut off seven heads again.
The girl in blue screamed, "Help every day!"
Chapter five hundred and forty The past
Hear the girl in blue can call Qin Changfeng corners of the mouth raise way "you beg me, beg me and I will save you"
"I …"
The girl in blue is so wronged that she wants to cry. What kind of person is this? She still has a mind to flirt with her at this time.
On the contrary, the tall and thin man didn’t think so much. "Didn’t you say that you are noble and helpful?"
Qin Changfeng glanced at him and snorted. "At that time, I was Qin Leifeng and naturally helpful. Now I am Qin Ri Ri Ri Tian! Do you understand? "
Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bellow blood splash sound Qi Fei at this moment seven heads were cut again by blood gushing and tumbled to the ground.
One by one, their eyes are wide open and they die unsatisfied!
By this time, the strange blood picture has risen from the sky like a crack leading to hell, and the bleeding light is enchanting and weird.
Nearly 20 people came here, and all the ordinary brothers of Xianjian Sect were killed in this way. None of them lived as if they came here because their blood would vividly depict the relief and light it up.
Life is as cheap as dirt here, and there is a cold wind in the gloomy hall, whining and screaming like ghosts, complaining about their unwilling grievances …

"That’s right. I’ll give you a baby." Lin chong threw something at the female xiu.

The female xiu waved her hand, but she didn’t catch anything. On the contrary, the back of her hand was whisked with a pattern that was round, with four god birds connected end to end and a golden wheel of the sun embedded in the middle.
"Chang Lian Oh ~" Lin smiled and waved to the female student.
The female practitioner felt that there was something evil in her chest, and somehow she gave birth to a knee with a sword across her head, but she held this man down and couldn’t cut him with a candlestick.
"By the way, what’s your name, old Gandalf?" Lin chong flew away riding a crane and suddenly turned to the crane and asked
"… my name is Li Qingniao"
The white woman’s voice penetrated the green and fell on Lin Chong’s ear.
Seven days later, Lin Chong returned to Kunlun Mountain, which was a little scary. There was a missile left in the crane. Although Kunlun Mountain could support it remotely, wouldn’t it be wrong if some big demon robbed these treasures in chaos?
Fortunately, the speed of the crane is also extremely fast in the demon race. Although it was a lucky trip, Lin Chong was thinking about not hanging seven missiles on the crane for ten thousand times and not going out according to the standard of armed helicopters
Further on, it is the harvest season.
Lin Chong has too many interesting ideas to point out in the mushroom technology tree.
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Salted fish life
During Xu Junhu’s ten-year trip through Dongsheng Shenzhou, he got a lot of secrets for Lin Chong, among which the most in demand were Hehuan Sect and Sihai Sect.
Acacia clansmen in the people are also known as Yue Lao and Hong Niang. Their practices also include the occult arts in leap, double cultivation and sutra. It is also another title for them to give birth to women and send them to the empress.
This is the mysterious and mysterious sect. Look at their achievement method, which must involve cause and effect. For example, there is a magical ratio of sending Yin spirit directly from the underworld to the female abdomen.
Lin Chong is very interested in several red-line techniques in Acacia Sect, but he has never been able to practice Acacia Sect by the introduction method. The introduction method is too complicated. He wants to go to the side of Naiqiao Bridge in the underworld and set up a sansheng forest of steles. Chong is afraid that he will not come back if he goes.
Now, with Wan Mizhai, we can just experiment whether he can practice Acacia Buddhism.
Yu Sihai Sect’s main point of their technique is that they are a sect specializing in water techniques, and most of their inheritors are dragons, such as the dragon girl who was once regarded as a mount by Xu Junhu.
Let this door go for the time being
After Lin Chong took out a few treasures from the magic weapon library, he had several ideas, that is, whether such treasures can be made into pendants in the water mirror system. Now, if you have the treasure, Yan Lin Chong will be responsible for the ideas and naturally have Zer to complete the practice.
Over the past month, the number of employees in Baoyan Arsenal has exceeded 150. Every day, Lin Chong is busy and can always see a group of workers wearing yellow safety caps shouting’ Hey, hey, hey, hey’ to transport materials from the big mushrooms.
Another team of small mushroom workers hung from the big mushroom like white iron in the hands of glass washers in high-rise buildings to cut materials from the big mushroom body
The cutting technique is very fine, as if it were a massage for a big mushroom. It is obviously much easier for a big mushroom cat to feel comfortable and tremble when it is slapped than when Lin Chong violently peels and takes materials.
Every three days, Lin Chong will see a 5-crane missile transported from the bottom floor of Fenbaoyan and sent to the cellar outside the boundary wall.
Although its efficiency is not as fast as Lin Chong’s daily production of two or three mushroom missiles in the past three years, it is strong in automation and carelessness, and it is from pure manual manufacturing to factory assembly line progress. Lin Chong is glad that he has overcome psychological obstacles to lead a salted fish life today.
Now Lin Chong needs to lie on the sofa and watch video games every day. It’s been almost 30 years since he crossed, and he can finally live his dream of salted fish. He is almost moved to tears.
Lin Chong wants to make up for all the dramas and games he lost in the past three years.
Another month passed.
one day
Zer came to the tea table in front of Lin Chong surrounded by a group of yellow helmet mushroom people-now there is a difference between the mushroom teams in appearance.
Wearing a yellow safety hat is a worker who divides the treasure rock; A star pattern around the eyes is a watchful eye squad; Wearing a yellow vest is the Dongfeng Express Team; The head antenna replaces the hair and is the Eye of the Sky Team.
Yu used to work in the French mirror team. With the development of technology, VR glasses devices that imitate Google glasses have appeared, and they have been banned from joining the Eye of the Eyes team.
"You embezzled my workers!" Zer accused Lin Chong.
"Is there?" Lin Chong lay half-lying on the sofa and glanced at Zer, watching American TV series. Who would have thought that Netflix (an online movie rental company of Nefli) had moved World of Warcraft to a small screen in the past ten years? This is simply the gospel of Warcraft fans.

three san

Gu Yan was also scolded by the master, whose sharp words were not given to Gu Yan at all. He left it outside the communication equipment and played it loudly. Many officers heard it.
Gu Yan’s face was extremely ugly after hanging up. He turned around and looked up at everyone and said, "Did you hear that?"
Everyone nodded.
"When the Governor scolds me, he scolds you!" Gu Yan instantly shared the shame of being scolded to everyone. "If we can’t make any fucking achievements, we will not only be scolded, but also return to the district in a defeated posture to accept the public’s scolding and accusation!"
"Let’s split up," Teng Fat got up and immediately said, "Our division has been in the side defense, and the intensity is not high! Step by step, the main force department launched to engage the enemy outside three san, and our division detoured to attack the Bidu battlefield! ! Eat that Jiang Hanshan with Qin Yu! "
"I can send two more regiments to support the old rattan division," said Xiao Ke immediately. "The frontier main forces can be pulled out to fight even if there are disadvantages, and they can be returned to three san to stick to it! I don’t think it makes much difference whether the defenders are 60 thousand or 40 thousand! "
Gu Yan glanced at the sand table and immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Just fucking do it! Waiting for the deepest defense, Chuanfu fired the first shot! "
5: 30 p.m.
A communication officer of the division headquarters of the 325th Armored Division in the Northeast Theater of the Fifth District immediately got up and shouted, "The Frontier 171st Tank Regiment sent a report that the sudden dispatch of the enemy’s 121st Brigade is rapidly advancing towards Bidu!"
"Order the tank regiment to retreat!" Jiang Hanshan smiled and replied, "Hehe reported that they were going to fight back …!"
"Boom boomed! !”
Before Jiang Hanshan’s words were finished, a dense explosion suddenly appeared on the periphery of the camp.
Another officer next to the communication equipment stood up and shouted urgently, "The reconnaissance unit of the forward mobile regiment has come to report that three artillery battalions in Pu suddenly bombarded the central link area of our southern theater! !”
Jiang Hanshan leng immediately looked at the sand table and said, "Let the headquarters unite with the brothers in the southern theater and let them not be afraid of Pu shelling and continue to move closer to our division!" ! Our division center stopped them from rushing out of the main force in all areas! "
Along the highway leading to Bidu
Xun Chengwei roared with a walkie-talkie, "If all units want to be quick, we must stick to each other face to face when the other tanks shrink back!" Let them not retreat backwards when wrong! "
The new commander of the 57th Army, the frontier position of Pu Corps, personally shouted at the commanders of the regiments at the three artillery regiments bases, "Don’t break the shells. The tactical purpose of the three regiments is to block the alliance between the enemy’s southern theater corps and the northeast theater corps! !”
"Bang bang!"
The n-th round of shelling once again spread out the opportunity to consume long-range firepower in the defensive war!
The vast snowfield in the direction of Bidu was melted and exploded by several shells, covering up the movement of thousands of mechanical troops!
Jin Shengnan, the commander of the Northeast Theater, suddenly frowned when he watched the man-machine coming back to fight and said, "How do I feel that Jiang Hanshan’s plan is a little strong?"
Hekou port
Qin Yu took the words and shouted, "Xiaobai, your group just gave me a depth to let the fangs go out!"
"white!" Xiaobai immediately returned.
Behind a mountain in Hekou area
Teeth in snow melt color heat insulation twist a head to look at officers at all levels hiding around the mountain soldiers shouted "comrades this last stand will determine the trend of war! ! We may die, or we may bury our bones in other places! But I firmly believe that our 4,000 warriors will rewrite history! Bring the victory back to Chuanfu and the three major districts! All units are ready to go! "
Chapter 1945 Focus on Fu Yang