
1. **补脾止泻**:芡实汤对于脾虚引起的泄泻有很好的改善作用,可以增强脾胃功能,帮助消化吸收。

2. **益肾固精**:对于肾虚引起的遗精、滑精等问题,芡实汤可以起到预防和缓解的效果,对男性及女性均有益。

3. **祛湿止带**:芡实汤具有祛湿的功效,可以改善因湿气引起的带下等问题。

4. **提高免疫功能**:经常食用芡实汤,可以增强人体的免疫力,减少疾病的发生。


5. **美容养颜**:芡实汤中含有的营养成分有助于美容养颜,对皮肤健康有益。

6. **改善睡眠**:芡实汤中的某些成分有助于改善睡眠质量,减轻疲劳和焦虑。

7. **抗衰老**:由于芡实汤具有抗氧化作用,可以延缓衰老,保护皮肤,延长寿命。


8. **利水渗湿**:对于水肿、小便不利等问题,芡实汤也有一定的改善作用。

9. **调养身体**:芡实汤适合各种体质的人群,特别是脾胃虚弱、肾虚的人,长期食用有助于身体调养。

10. **辅助治疗**:在中医理论中,芡实汤可以辅助治疗遗精、淋浊、带下、小便不禁、泄泻、痢疾等症状。



1. **行气活血**:莪术油具有促进气血循环、疏通经络、改善血液循环的作用,能够缓解因气血不畅引起的疼痛和不适。

2. **消积止痛**:莪术油对于消化系统疾病如胃痛、腹痛等有一定的缓解作用,能够消散积聚、缓解疼痛。

3. **活血化瘀**:莪术油能够促进血液循环,有助于消除体内瘀血,对于因瘀血引起的疼痛、肿胀等有改善作用。

4. **增强免疫力**:莪术油中的有效成分能够增强人体免疫力,提高机体对疾病的抵抗力。

5. **抗菌消炎**:莪术油对多种细菌、真菌等病原微生物有抑制作用,能够帮助抵抗感染,加速伤口愈合。

6. **预防宫颈癌**:研究表明,莪术油有助于预防宫颈癌,降低宫颈癌的发生率。

7. **治疗妇科疾病**:莪术油制成的药物,如复方莪术油栓,主要用于治疗霉菌性阴道炎、滴虫性阴道炎和宫颈糜烂等妇科疾病。

8. **抑制癌细胞生长**:莪术油对某些癌细胞有抑制作用,能够抑制癌细胞的生长。

9. **促进病变组织愈合**:莪术油有助于病变组织的修复和愈合。

10. **抗病毒作用**:莪术油具有一定的抗病毒作用,能够抑制呼吸道合胞病毒、流感病毒等。


11. **其他作用**:莪术油还具有治疗感冒、上呼吸道感染、支气管哮喘、咳嗽、腰背四肢痛、瘙痒症、疥疮、无名肿毒、跌打损伤、烫伤烧伤等症状的作用。


罗布麻,学名为“Apocynum venetum”,是一种在我国新疆等地广泛分布的野生草本植物。罗布麻具有丰富的药用价值,以下是对其药效的详细解析:

罗布麻,学名为“Apocynum venetum”,是一种在我国新疆等地广泛分布的野生草本植物。罗布麻具有丰富的药用价值,以下是对其药效的详细解析:

1. **降血压作用**:罗布麻是中医中常用的降压药材,其主要通过平肝潜阳、清热利水的功效来降低血压。现代药理学研究表明,罗布麻中含有的某些有效成分可以降低血压,尤其适用于肝阳上亢型高血压。

2. **降血脂作用**:罗布麻具有降低血脂的效果,有助于调节血脂水平,预防心血管疾病。

罗布麻,学名为“Apocynum venetum”,是一种在我国新疆等地广泛分布的野生草本植物。罗布麻具有丰富的药用价值,以下是对其药效的详细解析:

3. **强心利尿**:罗布麻中含有的罗布麻苷等成分,具有强心作用,可以增强心脏功能,同时还有利尿作用,有助于排除体内多余的水分。

4. **镇静安神**:罗布麻具有镇静安神的作用,可以缓解焦虑、失眠等症状。

5. **抗菌消炎**:罗布麻具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可以用于治疗某些感染性疾病。

6. **抗炎抗过敏**:罗布麻还具有抗炎抗过敏的作用,可以缓解过敏症状。

7. **抗氧化、抗衰老**:罗布麻中含有的黄酮类化合物具有抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,从而延缓衰老。

8. **增强免疫力**:罗布麻可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

9. **改善心血管功能**:罗布麻可以改善心血管功能,增加心脏供血,预防心血管疾病。

10. **调节消化系统**:罗布麻有助于调节消化系统功能,改善便秘等症状。


1. 对罗布麻过敏者不宜使用。
2. 服用罗布麻期间,应避免饮酒、吸烟等不良生活习惯。
3. 罗布麻与某些药物可能存在相互作用,如正在服用其他降压药物者,应在医生指导下使用。
4. 罗布麻并非万能良药,对于病情严重者,应在医生指导下进行治疗。




1. **健脾益胃**:山药性平、味甘,具有健脾益胃的作用。对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等问题有很好的调理效果。

2. **滋肾益精**:山药含有丰富的营养素,能强健机体,滋肾益精。对于肾虚引起的遗精、腰膝酸软、小便频数等症状有缓解作用。

3. **润肺止咳**:山药含有皂甙、黏液质,具有润肺止咳的功效。适用于肺虚引起的咳嗽、痰多、久咳不愈等症状。

4. **降低血糖**:山药中的黏液蛋白能减缓血糖吸收,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **预防心血管疾病**:山药富含黏液蛋白、维生素及微量元素,能有效阻止血脂在血管壁的沉淀,预防心血管疾病。

6. **增强免疫力**:山药中丰富的营养素能增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

7. **减肥瘦身**:山药中的黏液蛋白和半纤维素能增加饱腹感,有助于控制进食欲望,从而有助于减肥瘦身。

8. **美容养颜**:山药中的黏液蛋白和维生素有助于促进皮肤表皮细胞的新陈代谢,提升肌肤的保湿功能,对美容养颜有一定帮助。


9. **清热祛湿**:山药汤中常加入红枣、百合等食材,具有清热祛湿的功效,适合湿气重、身体沉重的人群。

10. **补气养血**:山药红枣汤等富含红枣的汤品,能补气养血,对于气血不足、面色苍白、手脚冰冷等症状有改善作用。




### 黑豆炒制益处:

1. **滋补肝肾**:黑豆具有滋补肝肾、补肾壮骨的功效,对于腰膝酸软、耳鸣、健忘、发白、脱发等症状有较好的缓解作用。

2. **提高免疫力**:黑豆富含蛋白质、维生素和微量元素,如硒,这些成分有助于提高免疫力,增强身体抵抗力。

3. **抗氧化**:黑豆中的抗氧化成分可以抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化,对预防疾病有积极作用。

4. **促进消化**:炒制后的黑豆易于消化吸收,对于消化系统较弱的人群尤其有益。

5. **丰富营养**:炒制过程中可以加入其他食材,如洋葱、当归等,使得黑豆的营养更加丰富,如蛋白质、维生素、微量元素等。

### 黑豆炒制注意事项:


1. **选材**:选择新鲜、无霉变的黑豆,确保食品安全。

2. **烹饪方式**:炒制过程中应控制火候,避免炒焦或过度烹饪,以免破坏黑豆中的营养成分。

3. **调料选择**:尽量使用天然调料,如食盐、冰糖或红糖,避免使用人工色素和防腐剂。

4. **分量控制**:炒制黑豆时,注意不要添加过多油脂,以免增加热量摄入。

5. **存储**:炒制后的黑豆应尽快食用,不宜长期存放,以免影响口感和营养。

6. **个人体质**:对于某些人来说,过量食用黑豆可能会导致不适,如胃胀、腹泻等,因此应根据个人体质适量食用。

7. **搭配饮食**:黑豆可以与其他食材搭配,如与猪骨炖汤、与黑米熬粥等,以增加营养的多样性。



1. **口感更佳**:烤红薯在烹饪过程中,水分会逐渐流失,糖分浓缩,使得红薯更加香甜,口感更佳。同时,烤制过程中,部分淀粉被淀粉酶分解成麦芽糖,增加了红薯的可溶性糖含量,使得烤红薯口感更甜。

2. **营养价值**:红薯在烤制过程中,能够产生呋喃和萜类化合物,以及焦糖化反应,这些物质使得烤红薯不仅香甜,还具有独特的香气,能增加食物的香气和风味。

3. **减少脂肪摄入**:与油炸红薯相比,烤制是一种更健康的烹饪方式,因为它不涉及油脂的添加,能够减少脂肪的摄入,有助于控制体重。


4. **促进消化**:红薯在烤制过程中,其膳食纤维的含量不会损失,反而因为水分的减少,膳食纤维的浓度增加,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。

5. **便于携带和食用**:烤红薯通常体积较小,易于携带,而且烤熟后可以直接食用,无需像煮红薯那样需要等待冷却。

6. **营养价值保留**:虽然蒸煮也能保留红薯的大部分营养,但烤制过程中,红薯中的类胡萝卜素损失较少,有助于提供丰富的维生素A。



"How have you been these three years?" Wang Yue asked.

Wang Qing nodded. "It’s a good day at home. Pei Hu and Miao Renfeng have also found the treasure left by Li Zicheng. The money in it has been used to improve people’s livelihood, but the bodhi old zu has never appeared."
Wang Yue laughed. "I already know where he is. I’m going to take care of him now. I’ll be right back." Wang Yue was suspended in the water and then flew to the southeast in a streamer.
Although the great master fighters are extremely fast, they can exceed the visual limit of ordinary people, but they can’t fly, but the strong fighters can completely offset gravity and fly freely in suspension.
Such means are no different from immortals in the eyes of ordinary people.
Sensing the joy of bodhi old zu, Wang Yue arrived soon.
I am glad that the bodhi old zu has no self-awareness, but he still has the ability. When Wang Yue, a strong fighter, comes, he will also be subconsciously afraid of trying to escape.
Wang Yue is here to kill him this time, so naturally he won’t let him go.
"Hum!" Wang Yue cold hum a finger gently a finger through the virtual instantaneous will be happy bodhi old zu struck.
"Finally, the disaster was solved." Wang Yue looked up at the heavenly heart and was at a loss. "I have been asking for the most powerful way to break the invisible god. This is the powerful way of family boxing, but when I really became a strong fighter, I was very upset."
What’s disturbing? Not because the enemy is not afraid, but because he has achieved his goal and has no desire.
"What should I do after that?" Wang Yue heart secretly asked.
Wang Yue was forced to turn around every time before because he didn’t reach the strong fighters.
But this time he was free to leave the world, but he had too much to give up in his heart.
"Sister, lunch should be ready, and I should go back." Wang Yuehua disappeared into the water with a streamer.
Next day, Wang Yue either wrote martial arts cheats or concentrated on pointing out Wang Qing’s martial arts.
Now Wang Qing’s martial arts is one step away from becoming a great master. Wang Yue has a plan in his heart, and he will leave when his sister Wang Qing becomes a great master.
"Elder sister’s moves are no longer for you, and you can display them with your martial arts. Now you should pay attention to the artistic conception and will, so that you can become a great master." Wang Yue said to Wang Qing, who was practicing sword.
I don’t know why Wang Qing seems to have deliberately made mistakes in practicing sword these days.
Wang Yue’s words made Wang Qing’s mood even worse. When she lost her sword, Wang Yue was startled and asked, "What’s wrong with you, sister?" Who made you angry? " The Wangs are the first family in the world and the emperor. Who dares to make Wang Qing angry?
Wang Qing walked up to Wang Yue and looked into Wang Yue’s eyes and asked, "Brother, tell me that you are not leaving? Will you never come back after you leave? "
Wang Yue was stupefied that she was leaving, but she didn’t tell anyone. How did my sister know?
"Sister, who did you listen to?" Wang Yue asked.
With tears in her eyes, Wang Qing said, "Who will tell me about this? You gave me all the secrets of martial arts, and you wanted me to become a great master. It’s like you’re telling the story. Can’t I see that? Do you really think my sister is stupid? "
Wang Yue nodded. "It’s Sister. I intend to leave after you become a great master, but I’m not sure if I can finally get to where I want to go."
Wang Yue, even a strong fighter, may not be able to return to the world such as Tianlong Xiaoao Yitian, because Wang Yue is not sure where he is after taking that step.
Wang Qing took Wang Yue’s hand and begged, "I don’t know where you are going, brother, and I don’t want to know, but I beg you not to go, okay?"
Wang Yue looked at Wang Qing and said nothing.
When Wang Qing saw that Wang Yue had to go, he finally nodded and said, "I know my brother, don’t worry, I will become a great master as soon as possible."
Wang Yue apologized, "I’m sorry, sister. I will definitely come back to see you when I have the opportunity to come back in the future."
From then on, Wang Qing concentrated on martial arts and left other things alone.
Two years later, Wang Qing finally became a great master.
This heavenly king Qing could no longer feel the breath of Wang Yue in the palace. When he came to Wang Yue’s room, he saw the table and left a letter.
Wang Yue is gone.
He didn’t want Wang Qing to come to bid farewell, so he couldn’t make up his mind to leave when the time came.
Wang Yue is near the East China Sea in the Eternal World, where he was reincarnated. He hopes to leave the East China Sea and reach the Eternal World.
Wang Yue tore the blur and a streamer disappeared.
As soon as Wang Yue entered the virtual space, he became more and more powerful. When the turbulence and powerful energy impact tore up Wang Yue’s body, Wang Yue instantly lost consciousness.
When he woke up again, Wang Yue found himself lying on the ground being punched and kicked by a group of half-size Wang Yuenai, who could protect his head with his hands.
"Call the young master and beat him hard."

If the big peak master really wants to harm him, he has no chance to escape, so he might as well set his mind at ease and practice first to control the whole immortal sword and complete the transformation.

Wanimal and other swordsmen arrived at the back of Zhajian Peak and saw that the Lord of Dafeng was guarding a firm but gentle barrier. What was going on inside was invisible to others.
"What’s the matter?"
Wanimal asked in a low voice, "Which Jian Xiu understood Zhu Xian Jian?"
They came late and started sword repair at the foot of Zhajianfeng Mountain. It should be clear what happened.
A sword monk "is the Su Zhu Taoist friend respected by the younger sister of the Northern Ghost."
Su Zhu!
Wanimal and others later heard this name with consternation.
They came here to guess several names, but no one expected that Su Zhu would understand Zhu Xianjian!
"Is it really Su Zhu?"
A Jian Xiu is still a little unbelievable.
"That’s true"
The other man replied, "It was the peak owner who brought Su Zhu here before. Su Zhu felt the magical power directly after killing the sword peak for five hours!"
Five hours!
Wanimal and others secretly staggering.
Their swords are being built at the peak of the sword, and they can’t even last an hour.
"What is this?"
Wanimal looked at the Big Peak Master not far away and asked in a low voice, "How did Su Zhu Daoyou realize that Zhu Xianjian even alerted the Big Peak Master to be there in person to guard him?"
You know, six months ago, the northern ghost snow caused the "Nine Days" disaster, and a peak owner of Lu Yun also appeared.
It’s amazing that this Su Zhu can understand Zhu Xian Jian, but after all, he’s an outsider, so he won’t let the big peak Lord show up in person to guard him, right?
"I don’t know."
A sword monk, "Su Zhu was being baptized by an avatar and was a little injured. It didn’t take long for the Great Peak Lord to appear."
Many Jian Xiu’s hearts are a little strange, but they didn’t think much about it. Su Zhu suddenly realized that Zhu Xian Jian made Dafeng Lord pay so much attention to it.
"It seems that this Su Zhu Taoist friend will become our classmate after today."
Wanimal seems to see the big peak idea figure said with a smile.
le jour se leve
Su Mo completed the baptism of the avatar, and the whole person’s spirit rose to a higher level.
He has just broken through the heaven and man period, and the realm of this magical baptism has also increased significantly, which is worth a thousand years of practice!
"Thank you for your guardian."
Su Mo thanked the Big Peak Master for handing him over.
Liu Yunxiao laughed. "You came to the sword world with the blood of nature violet, so you can rest assured that I will protect you later."
"My sword world belongs to the super world in the 3,000 world. Although it is not celestial, its strength is not bad."
"Even if the patriarch can figure out that you are here, he dare not run wild in the sword world!"
Lu Yun’s remarks made Su Mo feel a long-lost warmth.
After soaring, he was chased around with a string all the time, even though he was admitted to Gankun Hospital, he could not get rid of the crisis.
Until now, Su Mo felt a little relieved.

The mirror is smooth, dark and deep, and it seems that there is a strange attraction that will suck people’s souls in.

Yu Guihai didn’t dare to look sideways, so he quickly turned around and didn’t dare to look again.
According to Qingyang, the power of this celestial mirror is too great, even if he is refining, it is still the main object, and even if the holder accidentally shines on it, he will be inhaled.
When he entered the breakthrough realm, he went in through the black round beads behind the spirit mirror.
One side of the celestial mirror is a little broken, missing the size of a nail, which destroys the celestial mirror perfectly. Fortunately, this damage has not affected the mirror surface or damaged the edge.
However, this breakage also led to the damage of the power of the spirit celestial mirror, which made it long-lasting
The celestial mirror is held in my hand, and I can’t feel the power of this thing at all. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed that this thing is a treasure with greater power and intensity than the spiritual world.
Yu Guihai thought for a while and injected his Daoyuan into the black bead behind the spirit celestial mirror according to Qingyang’s method.
Suddenly he felt very dizzy, and he came to a place where the aura of heaven and earth was unusually abundant, and there were dozens of times as many as the aura of heaven and earth!
Yu Guihai was horrified. It’s just a remnant of a spiritual passage. It has such a rich aura of heaven and earth. How rich it would be if it were a real aura of the spiritual world!
He heard Yu Yi describe it before, but now he finally felt it himself.
Yu Guihai turned to look around. Here is a broken hall with dozens of huge stone pillars supporting the roof.
Behind him is a jagged rock wall, just like this rock will cut off the hall in the middle.
In front is the main hall gate. The two gates have already been shattered, and the rubble is scattered all over the floor. Through the doorway, you can see that there is a huge yellow outside, and there is a yellow fog floating everywhere.
According to Qingyang, this yellow is from the mirror into the place where it is full of all kinds of powerful than the spiritual world ban, which is where the gray liquid monster is killed
Yu Guihai came to the door and looked at the yellow thing outside carefully. It was very ugly to wear. Even his eyesight could see dozens of meters away.
He searched the hall carefully and found nothing, which was not surprising. After all, it was mastered by Jinyang Zong for hundreds of thousands of years. If there was any treasure, I’m afraid they would have taken it away long ago.
I returned to the sea and left here directly, and then I took out a piece of black stone full of golden runes and explored it carefully.
This thing was handed over by Qingyang, not everything, but the real secret treasure of Jinyang Sect. It is said that this black stone is a treasure of the spiritual world, called the black stone, and it can only withstand the real secret work of Jinyang Sect after being refined by the powerful secret method of the spiritual world.
Soon, the secret and true power of Jinyang Sect was realized by Yu Guihai.
This true skill is the highest cultivation method of Jinyang Sect, which can reach the peak of Yan Daojing all the way. Unfortunately, this world has long lacked the conditions to support Yan Daojing, so Jinyang Sect has true skill, but it is difficult to give birth to a strong Yan Daojing.
Yu Guihai found that this true work is the top achievement method of Yang attribute, and he is especially good at exercising the magical power and celestial phenomena after being refined.
He used to learn the anode way, which is very simplified, so that he can display the powerful embodiment of muscle gold body
If you can practice the complete Golden Sun Road, you can imagine that he will become much more powerful after integrating the magical powers of dharma and celestial phenomena.
Yu Guihai exultation immediately prepared to integrate this magical skill into the mixed yuan Dao tactic.
Then he pulled out a piece of black stone again, and carefully realized that all kinds of magical powers of Jinyang Sect were rare and powerful, and the order was extremely high.
With the pieces of black stone being studied and realized by him, Yu Guihai has completely gained the strong support of Jinyang Zong.
In addition to the secret technique, there are a lot of auxiliary techniques, such as alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy and alchemy.
Yu Guihai got the essence of the whole Jinyang Sect’s science and technology from ancient times to the present, including the manufacturing method of crossing the star super door, the method of transforming the large world into a virtual fortress, and the new giant gun manufacturing method of Jinyang Sect’s aircraft manufacturing method and so on
In the hundreds of thousands of years’ war, the general Jinyang Fairyland was urged to send out several technologies, all of which were directly absorbed by Yu Guihai, and will be handed over to Wuling Tianyu in one step, so that the two stars can learn from each other’s strong points and integrate into one technology level.
A few days later, Yu Guihai walked out of Qingyang from the secret room and greeted him respectfully, "I have seen the master."
After getting up, a group of people, old and young, heard the news, and their faces changed greatly. They were puzzled by Qingyang.
Ignoring everyone’s doubts, Yu Guihai glanced at everyone and asked faintly, "Are these the strong people who passed the soaring realm of Jinyang Zong?"
"Yes, the host has a total of twenty people here." Qingyang respectfully replied.
"Very good!" Yu Guihai scanned a circle and found that the strongest of these people was the Six Heavenly Heavens, which was obviously also a breakthrough through ancient mirrors.
The rest of the people except the five Taoist realms, four or five heavy days, the strong are all the strong who rose in the early stage of Taoist realm.
At this time, they finally determined that it was wrong, but the two avenues were in the cloud nine, and they also dared not ask questions.
"Holy Buddha this is meaning? Do you call this man master? " The tone of the Taoist priest is euphemistic.

The saleswoman surnamed Liu replied with a wry smile, "You ask me who I am going to ask? I know that man should know how to photograph stones. Isn’t that why Uncle Wang invited him to help him? "

"Isn’t it? He also knows the stone-telling technique? Look very young ….. "
"What’s the matter with young? Being young doesn’t mean nothing is wrong. "
Several salespeople chattered endlessly, and the topic always revolved around Lin Yang.
It’s raining hard these days, and there’s no business in Baishitang. If you don’t find something to talk about, they’ll really talk to death.
On the third floor, Wang Shuling led Lin Yang into one of the VIP rooms.
In this VIP room, in addition to being accompanied by a manager of Baishitang, two middle-aged men were sitting in front of them, with a piece of original jade stone with a head big.
Part of the original stone has been removed, revealing an intoxicating green color.
Judging from this intoxicating green color without any impurities, it is definitely a very glassy jadeite. The question now is how many similar jadeites are there in this rough stone? If half of it can be made of this kind of jadeite, then it is priceless, but if only one part is exposed and there is nothing else, it will be a great loss.
After all, these two people are asking a lot of money
If it’s tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, maybe you can buy it and try your luck, but now the price the other party wants is too high, and Uncle Wang has to seek stability and invite Lin Yang to help him.
"Wang Lao"
When Wang Shu came into the VIP room, the manager got up and greeted him with great respect. Then he introduced to the two middle-aged men sitting on the sofa, "This is Wang Lao, the head of our Baishitang."
"Finally, there’s a person who can be in charge," said the bald man sitting on the left, humming.
His companion, a dark-skinned, old farmer-looking man, said, "Do you want this treasure in Baishitang or not? We don’t have time to spend here playing with you all the time."
These two people put their attitude in a high tone, which is somewhat impolite.
Wang Shu turned a deaf ear to this as if he didn’t notice the tone in their words. He generally walked over and bowed his hand at the two men and said, "Be calm and wait until we have seen the original stone." Then he made a green gesture to Lin Yang, "Lin Xiaoyou trouble you."
This sentence shocked everyone in the VIP room.
When Lin Yang followed Wang Shu into the VIP room, they didn’t regard Lin Yang as a disciple or follower of Wang Shu, but now it seems that this is not the case.
Wang Shu, the head of this Baishitang, has a respectful attitude towards this young man.
This young man … What is the position?
Whether the two middle-aged men who sold the original stone or the manager who stayed in the VIP room cast a curious look at Lin Yang and secretly guessed his identity.
Lin Yang doesn’t care about this. Anyway, he is not from the antique jade industry.
"Age trouble you"
Lin Yang walked into the VIP room and immediately called Chen Shiwen out from Yushan.
"It’s a piece of cake," Chen Shiwen replied and plunged into the original stone.
Although he has been staying in Yushan, he still knows something about what is happening outside and knows what Lin Yang is, so he will be called out.
And Lin Yang also came to the mahogany tea table at this time and looked up at the original stone.
Since it’s a physiognomy, you have to show your appearance, otherwise people will either regard you as a mental illness or treat you as a monster …
But his move fell in the eyes of these people in the VIP room, which was nothing but professionalism.
The corners of the mouth of the two middle-aged men are emerging with a mocking sneer.
Uncle Wang is still convinced of Lin Yang’s ability.
After all, he has seen Lin Yang’s magic collar.
A few seconds later, Chen Shiwen emerged from the original stone and said to Lin Yang, "If there is no jade in the stone, there will be a surface."
Lin Yang nodded and said white.
After Chen Shiwen was sent back to Yushan, Lin Yang took a step back and said to Wang Shu, "There is no jade in it."
Wang Shu believed him very much and immediately said to the two middle-aged men who were still sitting on the sofa, "I’m sorry we don’t accept this stone in Baishitang, so you’d better find another buyer."
Two middle-aged men’s faces suddenly flashed with a surprised expression. They never thought that Wang Shu would believe Lin Yang without hesitation. "Do you really believe this novel? What does he know about physiognomy at a young age? Besides, don’t you think it’s a joke that he gave an opinion after looking around the original stone? " Bald man up discontent protested.
"Young? Don’t know physiognomy? This is really a joke, "Wang Shu said with a smile." Do you know that Ming Xi, the daughter of the Xi family in Shu, has always wanted to learn petrography from the little friends in the forest? But he makes Xi’s family feel that they don’t understand physiognomy? "
Even though these two middle-aged men are not Shu people, they have heard of the title of Xi family in Shu and know that Ming Xi, a rising star in the stone industry, did not expect that this young man who looks unprofessional at all would be chased by Ming Xi …
Isn’t this world too crazy?
Although he was very dissatisfied, Wang Shujian refused to accept the stone, and they could not sell it hard. In the end, they could leave Baishitang with the stone and sell it in another jade antique shop.
When they left, they gave Lin Yang a hard stare and seemed to want to keep this guy who broke their business in mind.
Finally, the two of them really sold the original stone in this antique street.
It was taken over by a famous Millennium antique shop, which is said to have cost nearly 10 million yuan.
In this antique street, Millennium is the only one that can compete with Baishitang.
Naturally, I found a treasure. The boss has never laughed at Wang Shuhe Baishitang and said that they missed a rare treasure in vain without vision.
Half a month later, Millennium invited the best stone-solving master to solve this high-priced original stone.
Several managers of Baishitang in Wang Shuhe went to see the excitement. Besides them, many antique lovers in Jinguan City also ran over to witness the birth of rare treasures.
But the end result is to disappoint everyone.
After nearly 10 million original stones were solved, there was no jade anywhere except the surface. As a result, Millennium not only lost a lot of money, but also lost face in front of industry colleagues.
A few days ago, the scenery was limited to the Millennium, and the boss suddenly became decadent after the original stone was solved. The whole person seemed to be aging a lot in an instant.
Seeing this scene, several managers of Baishitang were sympathetic to the Millennium boss and were also surprised. "I didn’t expect that there was really no material in this stone."
Wang Shu sneer at a "this is, of course, for Lin Xiaoyou to judge, I won’t doubt that he can accurately determine where the jade material is. This time, the Millennium is really a big joke …"
It was also after this incident that Lin Yang’s name gradually faded in the antique street.