
1. **营养价值丰富**:琵琶果含有大量的维生素C、维生素B1、维生素E以及纤维素等营养物质,同时富含钾、钙、镁等矿物质。这些成分对于增强人体免疫力、促进新陈代谢、维护皮肤健康以及支持心血管系统都有着积极的作用。

2. **促进消化**:水果被誉为“消化之火”,琵琶果作为水果之一,能够帮助改善消化系统功能,有助于消化。

3. **解渴作用**:琵琶果煮水后,其丰富的水分能够被更好地释放出来,方便饮用,同时煮后的琵琶果更加柔软,有助于补充水分。

4. **润肺止咳**:琵琶果具有润肺止咳的功效,适合那些有呼吸道不适症状的人食用。

5. **促进视力与身体发育**:琵琶果中含有丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素C,这些营养素对于胎儿视力以及身体健康发育具有积极作用。

6. **提高免疫力**:琵琶果中的维生素C等成分可以增强人体免疫力,帮助抵抗疾病。

7. **预防疾病**:水果中的食物纤维、维生素A、E、C、多酚等成分有助于预防动脉硬化、降低胆固醇、利尿以及预防癌症。

8. **预防老化**:水果中的果糖甜味成分易燃烧,不会导致发胖,而且可以补充有助于防止老化的营养素。

9. **稳定血糖与体重**:适量食用琵琶果可以稳定血糖,同时由于其卡路里较低,有助于维持健康的体重。


10. **精神与情绪调节**:琵琶果的芳香能够镇静安神,有助于缓解压力和焦虑。



1. **口感更佳**:烤红薯在烹饪过程中,水分会逐渐流失,糖分浓缩,使得红薯更加香甜,口感更佳。同时,烤制过程中,部分淀粉被淀粉酶分解成麦芽糖,增加了红薯的可溶性糖含量,使得烤红薯口感更甜。

2. **营养价值**:红薯在烤制过程中,能够产生呋喃和萜类化合物,以及焦糖化反应,这些物质使得烤红薯不仅香甜,还具有独特的香气,能增加食物的香气和风味。

3. **减少脂肪摄入**:与油炸红薯相比,烤制是一种更健康的烹饪方式,因为它不涉及油脂的添加,能够减少脂肪的摄入,有助于控制体重。


4. **促进消化**:红薯在烤制过程中,其膳食纤维的含量不会损失,反而因为水分的减少,膳食纤维的浓度增加,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。

5. **便于携带和食用**:烤红薯通常体积较小,易于携带,而且烤熟后可以直接食用,无需像煮红薯那样需要等待冷却。

6. **营养价值保留**:虽然蒸煮也能保留红薯的大部分营养,但烤制过程中,红薯中的类胡萝卜素损失较少,有助于提供丰富的维生素A。




1. **润肺止咳**:雪梨性寒,含有丰富的水分和多种维生素,能够润肺清热,对于治疗干咳无痰、喉咙痛等症状有很好的辅助作用。冰糖的加入则增强了润肺止咳的效果。


2. **清热解毒**:冰糖炖雪梨中的冰糖能够清热解毒,对于因外感温热病毒引起的发热、伤津、口渴等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **滋阴养胃**:雪梨具有滋阴养胃、生津止渴的功效,适合胃阴不足、脾虚失和等体质的人群食用,对于口燥食少、大便不畅等症状有治疗作用。

4. **降低血压**:雪梨中的某些成分有助于降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **改善呼吸道症状**:冰糖炖雪梨对于慢性气管炎、百日咳、慢性咽炎等呼吸道疾病有很好的治疗作用,能够祛除痰热、滋阴润肺。

6. **辅助治疗肺结核**:雪梨对于肺结核患者也有一定的缓解作用,可以减轻肺热咳嗽、喉痒痰多的症状。

7. **调和胃气**:冰糖炖雪梨对于胃阴不足、脾虚失和导致的呃逆症状也有一定的缓解作用。


8. **增加口感**:冰糖的加入使得冰糖炖雪梨既具有药用价值,又甘甜可口,易于被不同年龄层的人群接受。




1. **祛风湿**:独活有很好的祛风除湿功效,适用于治疗因风湿引起的关节疼痛、腰腿疼痛等症状。


2. **止痛**:独活能够缓解肌肉和关节的疼痛,对于类风湿性关节炎、风湿性关节炎等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **活血通络**:独活具有活血通络的作用,可以促进血液循环,对肢体麻木、经络不通等症状有一定的改善作用。

4. **解表发汗**:独活还可以解表发汗,适用于治疗感冒引起的头痛、身痛等症状。

5. **抗炎**:现代药理研究表明,独活具有一定的抗炎作用,对于炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

6. **抗菌作用**:独活具有一定的抗菌作用,对于某些细菌感染有一定的抑制作用。



"How have you been these three years?" Wang Yue asked.

Wang Qing nodded. "It’s a good day at home. Pei Hu and Miao Renfeng have also found the treasure left by Li Zicheng. The money in it has been used to improve people’s livelihood, but the bodhi old zu has never appeared."
Wang Yue laughed. "I already know where he is. I’m going to take care of him now. I’ll be right back." Wang Yue was suspended in the water and then flew to the southeast in a streamer.
Although the great master fighters are extremely fast, they can exceed the visual limit of ordinary people, but they can’t fly, but the strong fighters can completely offset gravity and fly freely in suspension.
Such means are no different from immortals in the eyes of ordinary people.
Sensing the joy of bodhi old zu, Wang Yue arrived soon.
I am glad that the bodhi old zu has no self-awareness, but he still has the ability. When Wang Yue, a strong fighter, comes, he will also be subconsciously afraid of trying to escape.
Wang Yue is here to kill him this time, so naturally he won’t let him go.
"Hum!" Wang Yue cold hum a finger gently a finger through the virtual instantaneous will be happy bodhi old zu struck.
"Finally, the disaster was solved." Wang Yue looked up at the heavenly heart and was at a loss. "I have been asking for the most powerful way to break the invisible god. This is the powerful way of family boxing, but when I really became a strong fighter, I was very upset."
What’s disturbing? Not because the enemy is not afraid, but because he has achieved his goal and has no desire.
"What should I do after that?" Wang Yue heart secretly asked.
Wang Yue was forced to turn around every time before because he didn’t reach the strong fighters.
But this time he was free to leave the world, but he had too much to give up in his heart.
"Sister, lunch should be ready, and I should go back." Wang Yuehua disappeared into the water with a streamer.
Next day, Wang Yue either wrote martial arts cheats or concentrated on pointing out Wang Qing’s martial arts.
Now Wang Qing’s martial arts is one step away from becoming a great master. Wang Yue has a plan in his heart, and he will leave when his sister Wang Qing becomes a great master.
"Elder sister’s moves are no longer for you, and you can display them with your martial arts. Now you should pay attention to the artistic conception and will, so that you can become a great master." Wang Yue said to Wang Qing, who was practicing sword.
I don’t know why Wang Qing seems to have deliberately made mistakes in practicing sword these days.
Wang Yue’s words made Wang Qing’s mood even worse. When she lost her sword, Wang Yue was startled and asked, "What’s wrong with you, sister?" Who made you angry? " The Wangs are the first family in the world and the emperor. Who dares to make Wang Qing angry?
Wang Qing walked up to Wang Yue and looked into Wang Yue’s eyes and asked, "Brother, tell me that you are not leaving? Will you never come back after you leave? "
Wang Yue was stupefied that she was leaving, but she didn’t tell anyone. How did my sister know?
"Sister, who did you listen to?" Wang Yue asked.
With tears in her eyes, Wang Qing said, "Who will tell me about this? You gave me all the secrets of martial arts, and you wanted me to become a great master. It’s like you’re telling the story. Can’t I see that? Do you really think my sister is stupid? "
Wang Yue nodded. "It’s Sister. I intend to leave after you become a great master, but I’m not sure if I can finally get to where I want to go."
Wang Yue, even a strong fighter, may not be able to return to the world such as Tianlong Xiaoao Yitian, because Wang Yue is not sure where he is after taking that step.
Wang Qing took Wang Yue’s hand and begged, "I don’t know where you are going, brother, and I don’t want to know, but I beg you not to go, okay?"
Wang Yue looked at Wang Qing and said nothing.
When Wang Qing saw that Wang Yue had to go, he finally nodded and said, "I know my brother, don’t worry, I will become a great master as soon as possible."
Wang Yue apologized, "I’m sorry, sister. I will definitely come back to see you when I have the opportunity to come back in the future."
From then on, Wang Qing concentrated on martial arts and left other things alone.
Two years later, Wang Qing finally became a great master.
This heavenly king Qing could no longer feel the breath of Wang Yue in the palace. When he came to Wang Yue’s room, he saw the table and left a letter.
Wang Yue is gone.
He didn’t want Wang Qing to come to bid farewell, so he couldn’t make up his mind to leave when the time came.
Wang Yue is near the East China Sea in the Eternal World, where he was reincarnated. He hopes to leave the East China Sea and reach the Eternal World.
Wang Yue tore the blur and a streamer disappeared.
As soon as Wang Yue entered the virtual space, he became more and more powerful. When the turbulence and powerful energy impact tore up Wang Yue’s body, Wang Yue instantly lost consciousness.
When he woke up again, Wang Yue found himself lying on the ground being punched and kicked by a group of half-size Wang Yuenai, who could protect his head with his hands.
"Call the young master and beat him hard."

"Come on, forget the dust fairy. I’m new here. I’ll take the fairy to find a place to rest and discuss it in the future. It’s not too late or too bad." Li Yunhui smiled gently.

Forget the dust retching again and follow Li Yunhui into the iron camp behind him.
The military camp is definitely not as beautiful as imagined, but it is not as messy as imagined. In the panic, it reveals the order, and in the order, it reveals all kinds of clutter, which looks a bit dazzling.
Forget the dust as Li Yunhui entered the tent. Naturally, soldiers sent neat bedding. Li Yunhui gave a gift to forget the dust, "The fairy came from afar and didn’t disturb the fairy to rest."
Li Yunhui also saw that forgetting the dust was unwell and took a long way.
Watching Li Yunhui go away and forget the dust, sitting on the bed and trying to practice, but this gas is always full of iron and blood, which will erode the human body’s mana roots if you don’t pay attention. You can slowly close your eyes and breathe the blood in your mouth and nose, but it is always endless, which is very annoying.
"This domain is really not a place for people to stay. When I killed the monk across the street, my senior sister got revenge and quickly left here." Forget the dust and frown.
It is said that Li Yunhui turned all the way to the camp, far from being partial, and Li Yunhui said, "Hurry up and call all the soldiers to discuss."
When Li Yunhui stepped into the main account, he saw a thin middle-aged man in real armor looking at the map and hearing someone come in, he immediately looked up, but his face was happy. "The Lord came back but invited reinforcements?"
Li Yunhui laughed. The middle-aged man asked Li Yunhui to sit down. Li Yunhui said, "It’s natural to be successful. This time, not only reinforcements were invited, but also a powerful person was invited."
"May defeat the enemy?" The general said
"Nonsense can’t defeat the enemy. What’s the point for the general to invite him here?" Li Yunhui stared at the Lord and said, "Go and pick the foreign war card and say that our army will go out to do it in Japan."
"Yes, yes, yes, please do it." The Lord was all smiles.
The commander of the imperial army camp in Daliu is a white-haired old man. Although he looks old, his whole body is full of qi and blood. Although his hair is white, his face is ruddy and he breathes like an ox. Obviously, he is very strong and strong.
There are many figures sitting in this Lord’s hand, and on the left are monks. These monks are full of momentum, and even in the iron camp, they are full of mana, which is obviously extraordinary.
On the right side of the main commander is the military commander of Daliu Dynasty.
The Lord sat in front of the case and looked at the map and frowned. "This big Chen dynasty has been slow to bend and refused to take up the battle card these days. What should we do?" Must think of a way to break the other camp is "
"General, let’s not attack and force Chen to fight?" A military commanders out way
Veteran’s eyebrows are deeply wrinkled. "The other party’s recklessness is just killing the enemy for a thousand times. Now, if the domain is so chaotic, if the damage is too heavy, we’ll even be divided up by others unless you Taoist priests use their magical powers to break the enemy camp."
This fall only to see that the monks were silent for a while and sat at the front. The monk said, "This is not easy for the other side. I am afraid that there are not millions of troops, and it is hard to say how many magical powers we can play."
Chapter 524 War
Avatar mana is indeed reversible, but in the face of doing your best, your mana will be greatly reduced.
Mana is a kind of energy, so is the army’s iron and blood suffocation, and it has a high score. On the contrary, in some cases, iron and blood suffocation can restrain monks
The monk’s words fell all over the camp, and suddenly the first monk in his left hand frowned and said, "It seems that this time the other side has come to a master."
I don’t know how this monk can know that the monk was forgotten and turned to ashes with a true fire of samadhi, but all kinds of magical powers in the practice world are strange, and it is normal to be so miraculous.
"What happened to Brother Liu Yunfeng?" Friar Liu Yunfeng, who was present at the big tent, took a deep breath. Although he was arrogant and disliked by everyone, his magical powers were among the best in the crowd. At this time, he suddenly heard that this friar had fallen, and all his peers gasped.
"We accidentally killed a monk named Bi Xiufeng. I heard that the female crown was the younger brother of Bi Xiufeng, and the owner of Bi Youdong was connected by the same vein. Did the female crown of Bi Youdong take revenge?" A monk’s face with a touch of panic is definitely a bully, not as simple as talking about it.
"It’s not necessarily a wonderful show, but it’s arrogant and overbearing. If you want to make it difficult for us, you will be afraid of coming to the door in person for a while. It seems that this time the monk is not a wonderful show, but he is also a master. If it weren’t for a wonderful show, everything would be a world war I." The monk sitting in Zuoshou said
After a while, the monk said, "Let’s kill Bi Xiufeng’s female crown, but the female crown sends out information. I’m afraid that Bi Xiufeng has got the information for a while. This is a disaster after all. I don’t know what to do." Sitting in the second place, the monk suddenly said silently
"This ….." This outstanding monk immediately showed hesitation. Although Bi Xiufeng was terrible, he was not single-minded after all, but there was a way to deal with it. However, the man in Bi Xiufeng was difficult. If he personally feared that everyone would be restless.
Just then, I heard the soldiers run in and plop on my knees outside the door. "Tell the Lord that the big Chen dynasty suddenly picked up the battle card and wanted to ask the Taoist priests to end it. This is a war and please ask the Lord to have a look."
When he said this, he saw that the soldier took out his hands and put his hands respectfully on the Lord’s case.
"Huh?" Looking at the case a few wars, the Lord’s brow slowly stretched. "This big Chen dynasty actually took the initiative to well-documented, but it must be with the bottom spirit, but I don’t know that the bottom spirit is sending people to spy."
"Yes" makes the soldiers bend down and walk out of the tent.
The Lord slowly put the letter in his hand on the record and said to the first monk in his left hand, "Please show it to Taoist Guang."
The Taoist priest watched the battle once, then slowly closed it for a long time before saying softly, "The soldiers will block the water and cover it up. Only one day, Chen will see the real chapter in the war."
The sound of the war drum resounded for nine days, and Fiona Fang could hear it thousands of miles away.
Facing the glory, the camp of the imperial army of Chen dynasty was instantly noisy in the drums, and the blood was foaming at the mouth, and even the clouds for nine days were instantly dispersed by Shaqi.
Several soldiers buried pots for cooking, and some soldiers polished their armor to prepare for today’s decisive battle.
Forget the dust and immediately jump out of bed and walk towards the Zhongjun tent line after hearing the gathering drum sound.
Li Yunhui had told the soldiers who were patrolling the camp that they dared not neglect to forget the dust and bow disrespectfully in their dealings.
When I left the dust, I saw that the Zhongjun big tent was full of figures. The right hand was the big Chen dynasty, and the left hand was the monk. However, compared with the big Ryukyu dynasty, the monk of the big Chen dynasty was a big cat and a kitten, but it was not commendable. Even if there were monks, three disasters had not yet been spent.
See forget dust came in all the soldiers, monks have raised eyebrows to wait and see to see the bearer is a young girl who has not spent three disasters, after all the monks immediately scoffed and looked back.
Li Yunhui, sitting in the theme, naturally put everyone’s expression in the fundus and immediately got up and smiled. "The dust-forgotten fairy is coming. Come on, let the generals introduce you. This fairy is Bi Xiufeng’s true brother."
"I’ve heard a lot"
"seen the fairy"
The monks were neither salty nor pale, and their faces were indifferent.
Li Yunhui naturally knows what people are thinking, so he smiled gently. "If you say that you have forgotten the name of the dust fairy, you may not have heard it, but today you are familiar with the wonderful show of Biyou Cave."
The words "Lord of Biyou Cave" suddenly brought people’s eyes together, and all the monks were moved. "What does this little girl have for the Lord of Biyou Cave?"
I was thinking about it, but I heard Li Yunhui say, "This dust-forgetting fairy is the true fire magic of Samadhi, which was acquired by the master and sister of Biyou Cave. Shouldn’t everyone be familiar with it?"
Samadhi is really hot?
When I heard the words Samadhi True Fire, all the monks immediately stood up and solemnly gave a ceremony to forget the dust. "I’ve seen the immortal before, but I don’t know Taishan, so I’d like to ask the immortal to sin."
Forgetting the dust and looking at the crowd, I was disdainful in my heart, but I didn’t show it as a light way. "It’s my brother’s name to forget the dust. A little girl can’t be such a gift for the Taoist friends."

Luo Qiubai wry smile way "Li Daoyou so believe that I will show me the closet peerless fencing"

Li Zhichang said faintly, "If fencing is unbreakable, it doesn’t matter. If you can break it once and build a wonderful work, can you do it twice?"
"It’s no wonder that Li Daoyou can touch the Golden Wonderland as soon as he enters the fairy. You are really like the old demon in Montenegro. Although there is still a gap in strength, this strong mentality is from law."
Li Zhichang will gently withdraw the scabbard like autumn water. "Just now, if this swordsmanship is achieved by Brother Luo, I will definitely be able to display it. Brother Luo and I will fight side by side."
Luo Qiubai smiled lightly. "I dare not lose with Li Xiong’s words."
"I’m already exhausted today. I’ll go first."
Li Zhichang body went quickly and quietly.
A pool of fresh lotus is dancing with the wind, and it seems that I don’t know anyone has been here.
At this time, an old Taoist priest slowly appeared around Luo Qiubai with a wine gourd and a scarlet complexion.
This person is the original pear Taoist and Li Zhi often met once.
He is brother Luo Qiubai.
The old Taoist priest said to Luo Qiubai, "This person doesn’t seem to be as emotional as we thought. If you are willing to make moves after March, your chances of winning should increase a lot."
Luo Qiubai raised his arm and said, "Some people can be defeated, others can’t be defeated. If Li Daoyou doesn’t prove Jin Xian for a day, he will never challenge the old demon in Montenegro. We have to deal with the old demon in Montenegro, but Li Daoyou’s pursuit of challenging the strong enemy differently from us is that he sharpens his own means rather than his purpose."
"It’s a pity." The old monk took a sip of wine.
When Li Zhichang met Fahai and Luo Qiubai, he felt that he should go to the humble Wang Chuanshan, a Confucian master who could never be born.
In fact, Wang Chuanshan is only fifty years old this year. He is a Confucian who does not seek immortality.
Although he is much younger than Li Zhichang, he has a profound understanding of heaven, earth and universe, even if he is not inferior to Li Zhichang.
Such people can’t measure it with general thoughts.
There is a kind of life that proves a certain truth, that is, it takes hard work to let people know the importance of talent.
He is that kind of person with great talent.
What happened in this man’s short 50-year career can’t be told in three days and nights. His life is really full of magic.
When he was six years old, Wang Chuanshan passed by Jinshan Temple with his father to visit Fahai Wang Chuanshan’s father. There were quite a few titles in Fahai. That night, they watched the moon together. Fahai suddenly asked Wang Chuanshan’s father to write a poem about how his father would do it for a while. At this time, Wang Chuanshan, a six-year-old boy, opened his mouth and came to "Jinshan as big as a fist to break Weiyang’s underwater days, and he was intoxicated with gauze, high platform, and the moon jade flute blew through the hole and the dragon slept."
At that time, there was an old dragon in the West Lake who didn’t go to hear the poem and returned it to Yang Bo to entertain.
Fahai, although a monk and a great virtue, can’t help raising eyebrows.
So I have the heart to try him and let him do another one.
Wang Chuanshan blurted out with great fear.
The mountain is near, the moon is far away and the moon is small.
The sidewalk is bigger than the moon.
If people have eyes as big as the sky
When the mountain is higher and the moon is wider.
In the past ten years, this man has lived in seclusion in Lushan Mountain and said that the number of his younger brothers has implicitly surpassed the four major hospitals.
His profound knowledge, such as the Milky Way’s literary spirit, has completely overwhelmed the great scholars of the present age to become ashamed masters.
If Confucianism does not seek immortality and ghosts and gods, his realm will be full of people all day long.
Of course, Wang Chuanshan can fight against the old demon in Montenegro because he left a treasure at the beginning.
The relics must be driven by people with lofty ideals.
This requires its own truth and various combinations.
This treasure left by the Confucian master has been able to drive all the most outstanding Confucian scholars since ancient times, which is also an important reason why Wang Chuanshan is recognized as a great master.
That treasure is also called the Spring and Autumn Pen, which is really fierce.
The so-called condemned man died of illness, and there was no blood in this murder.
At the beginning, the husband killed a figure who was almost comparable to the series, which made Confucianism spread to the world.
Li Zhichang didn’t go to Luzhou immediately, but walked slowly.
Visiting people needs to be in the right mood to go.
The ancients came and went on a whim, and he felt that his interest was not high now.
Although he is walking fast enough.
However, one day has come to Liangdu, the capital of Nanxia.
Since the northern alien invaded the great river, the northern part of the country has fallen, but the great Henan has kept it.
Hundreds of years’ accumulation in summer, including Confucianism and Buddhism, won’t make Zhongzhou fall, even though it’s a dispute.
Together, the two forces can maintain a deadlock even if the seven demon saints are vertical and horizontal, Qian Shan Wanshui and the northern demon clan strength can be added.
If it weren’t for the threat of the old demon in Montenegro, Luo Qiubai alone could make the northern devil Sect honestly.
Luo Qiubai is the first killer of Daomen for thousands of years. Even if the rising star Tai ‘a kills the sword, his title and record are still inferior to those of Luo Qiubai when he was young.

"You say I listen" white-haired man asked with a smile.

Su Zhengdong looked at him with a smile. "Don’t worry, just wait here for a while. We have time to talk."
"Yes, hehe."
Songjiang city, the ninth special zone
Ma Laoer was cooking noodles in the warehouse when he suddenly heard the bell ring.
"It’s me" is a familiar sound in the words.
Chapter 4 Conditions of Lu Xiaofeng
A day later, at nine o’clock in the morning, adjutant Zhang took two soldiers to the military airport with military vehicles.
This airport is a few days ago to send Qin Yu and others away from that place. After Zhang Aide arrived, he went directly to the main building dispatching room.
The main is a bald man in his forties who was in the first-line army before middle age. Later, he was transferred here to take charge of dispatching because his hands and feet were not too clean and his style was too stepping on the line.
"Zhang adjutant have what instructions? Hehe! " Bald middle-aged smiled and poured a cup of tea for each other and sat down next to the sofa.
"Are there any transport planes to the second district these days?" Zhang adjutant stretching his legs asked
"These days? I am really not sure! " Bald middle-aged thinking immediately got up and said, "wait for me!" "
"hmm!" Zhang adjutant nodded
Bald middle-aged stepped to the desk and took out two big heads from the side three-level filing cabinet to rummage through it.
Zhang adjutant drank tea and waited quietly.
"These days, there are no Tuesdays, and two trips are to Freedom City." Bald middle-aged people rummaged for a long time before they looked up and said.
After thinking for a long time, aide Zhang said, "Move the Tuesday flight to take off at five o’clock tonight and let Lao Xin form a crew to fly directly to Marion."
"Aren’t you going to Liberty City?" Bald middle-aged people have some doubts. "Marion, we don’t have a job."
"When we talk about the first batch of materials, we will send someone to pick them up when we get to Marion Freedom City," Zhang adjutant said vaguely. "Just do it!"
"Ok!" Bald middle-aged nodding
"OK, that’s it!" Zhang adjutant got up and pointed to balding middle-aged and said; "You are busy, I am leaving!"
"I’ll send you!"
"No," adjutant Zhang went to the door and paused for a moment, then suddenly turned back and said, "How many people will the plane bring back? You don’t want Zhang to land and send me directly!"
Bald middle-aged stunned a "white!"
"Be strict with your big mouth recently," Zhang adjutant told him again.
"Don’t worry, no secrets will leak from me," grinned the bald middle-aged man.
"Okay, that’s it!" Zhang adjutant threw a pat on each other’s arm and quickly left.
It’s more than noon in Bashi.
Su Zhengdong sat on the dining table of the mansion and looked at Lu Xiaofeng and said, "It doesn’t really conflict if you want to leave and I want something to work!"

"Little things!" The old cat pointed to the hotel and said, "I’ll pull up the surveillance video there later."

Say that finish Lu Weide and others turned to the door of the hotel to prepare the car to the hospital.
Fu Xiaohao, the first police patrol car, took the words and looked up at Lu Weide’s back and suddenly shouted, "Is your fucking name Loki?" !”
Shout great Lu Weide ahead and others can make a clever fright after hearing it, and they all turn around and look back.
Fu Xiaohao took the words and sat in the car and shouted, "You don’t call Loki, what do you pick up? Hurry and find him for me …! "
Lu Weide looked at the old cat bitten to grind and turned to go.
"Ha ha ha!"
Two police patrol car people looked at Lu Weide and they immediately burst into laughter.
The old cat picked a mouthful of fans and stuttered into his mouth. He vaguely ordered, "Call the Commercial Crime Department and send the information."
"Let them move now?" Fu xiaohao asked
"Let him wait for a while, don’t give him a toss-up." The old cat looked at Lu Weide’s back and sighed. "… the little white brother’s hands were too hard and he cried to Lu Weide’s wife."
"Which is his wife?" Zhu Wei asked curiously.
"Just his male assistant."
"Are they fighting for bayonets in the trough?" Zhu Wei was surprised.
"You don’t know?" The old cat was also surprised to look back and said, "The company has long known that Lu Weide Jianghu people call Hao Longdan a good gun!"
Go to the hospital road
Lu Weide gnashed his teeth and scolded, "Fuck you when you play with me! You have to wait for me to make Tiancheng Baofeng pay a big sum!"
Chapter 2 Black and white combination boxing
Lu Weide is an out-and-out highly educated cultural person. He is good at "killing people" with all kinds of rules, and he usually contacts people who are rich or expensive. Everyone talks about identity, style and manners. When he touches an old cat, an egg that doesn’t play cards according to common sense, he is suddenly completely out of routine
It’s the old cat who has a bottom line, but doesn’t pay attention to eating, and he doesn’t feel that he has to pretend to be a big boss with his identity. He is more practical and his tricks suck, so long as they are effective.
Late night hospital
Lu Weide immediately dialed Han Tong’s number in the ward after being pushed out from the surgical clinic.
"hello? Manager Lu "
"I let the old cat get someone to beat me when I stepped on the horse," Lu Weide said through clenched teeth. "Yes, I’m in the hospital …!"
Han Tong listened to Lu Weide and was slightly surprised after clarifying the incident. "No? The old cat is a bit too naive to do this. "
"He is naive, uneducated and pure, a smelly rascal on the ground!" Lu Weide very much agreed to scold a way: "Can he frighten me by doing this?"? When I was in Yanbei, even the director of the General Administration of Commerce and Trade asked to see me by name. Would I be afraid of him? ! He is a fart! "
"Don’t get excited, Brother Lu."
"I’m telling you, it’s absolutely not finished." Lu Weide was so angry that he flew into a rage. "I think it’s a good day. I won’t go to work and I’ll take three months’ sick leave to shelve the Changji project … and then you can let Fu Shao sue Tiancheng Baofeng for not advancing the project according to the contract rules."
"It’s still too early to fight" Han Tongwen immediately persuaded "After this, Xingyao and Tiancheng can’t get together, which will affect our former layout. Manager Lu, don’t worry about it. I’ll ask you for an explanation."
"What do you mean don’t worry? Do they treat me like a fool and play with you? " Lu Weide is really angry to lose his mind.
"So you wait a minute and I’ll make a message and ask about it." Han Tong replied lightly.
Lu Weide angrily bit his teeth and hung up the phone directly.
Next to the bed, Jilai executives are also very resentful. "Songjiang these guys are too disreputable. Qin Yu, they are all mixed up at this level, and it’s really no pattern to make these three abuses."
Lu Weide considered for a long time and turned to look at the guest and replied, "We will sign a new contract these days, and I will leave a loophole in the contract for you to give you and Fu Shao a big gift when I leave my job."
When the guest heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. "That would be great!"
"It’s definitely not finished," Lu Weide said with a bite of his teeth.
"Didi Lingling!"
A cell phone rang and Lu Weide got through. "Hello?"
"Manager Lu, where are you …?" A middle-aged man brought into tears and asked 1
Lu Weide Zheng "What are you doing? What’s the matter?"
"Manager Lu, I’m stepping on a horse and leaving my job. I’m not in Tiancheng Baofeng. That old cat is a fool. B I just asked for a car at the gate of Li & Fung Building, and he asked four or five people to tie me to the river, take a fishing net and throw it into the ice hole for me … and kept asking me how hot the water is …" Middle-aged emotional breakdown "I was tossed for more than two hours. The leader told me that the old cat asked me to go back and reflect. If I didn’t find me as a thermometer during the day, I would call the police.
Lu Weide Meng took the words for a moment.
"Manager Lu is making money everywhere, but he is killing himself here!" Middle-aged limped towards the car and shook his head repeatedly and said, "Tiancheng Baofeng is too hard in Songjiang. We can’t afford to be with them! Just now my daughter-in-law called me and asked me to go back to Yanbei … "
"No, don’t be afraid."
"Manager Lu threw me into the ice hole with a fishing net today. The net may be lost. I don’t have a pair of pants with the superintendent." Middle-aged tourist trap completely "I quit. You are ready to call a new person to take over my work."
Say that finish middle-aged directly hangs up the words.
Lu Weide was so angry that he shook his head with a small split and dropped his words to the ground. "Shame on you! Mean! !”
As soon as the words sound just fell, seven people suddenly pushed the door and entered. The leader, wearing a light green commercial crime investigation department, asked with a straight face, "Who is Lu Weide?"

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the drunk walked out of the room and wore dirty clothes. He went to the entrance of the life village and asked a driver who pulled his feet and asked, "Is Master going to Beifengkou?"

"Are you crazy? How far is this? Why don’t you talk about the moon? "
Chapter 251 Let’s go!
At four o’clock in the afternoon, Meng Xi, the headquarters of Qin Gu Corps on the frontier, frowned at Qin Yu and said, "Do you say hello to Qianjin this plan? If they can take a default attitude when we pass, the success of our plan will increase a lot. "
Qin Yu carefully considered it for a long time and then waved his hand. "If you don’t inform them in advance, although it is opposite to freedom, you are the same family. You let them let the channel secretly support us to fight back and slaughter our own national troops … This kind of psychological price is too high. If the news goes, our soldiers will die in vain."
Meng Xi slowly nodded his head when he heard this.
"We make our own plans and do it ourselves!" Qin Yu once again added that "the military personnel in the district have already understood the news, and preparations are already under way in the ninth district."
"All right," Meng Xiwen immediately replied, "Then I will continue to work with Qianjin to get them to give us some support in the political position."
"It’s an alliance, so now they must take an attitude." Qin Yu pointed to the ground and replied, "At least they are on our side in military threats! Pinch down some of the energy of freedom. "
"I am white!" Meng xihui
After the two men discussed, Meng Xi left the command camp, and then Qin Yu attended the video conference in the war room, Daya Lincheng, Huo Zhenghua and the northwest advance army generals.
"At 10 o’clock tonight, Huo Zhenghua of Lincheng Department attacked Gu Taixian’s northeast front with the aim of pushing the big troops forward for three miles and forcing Gu Taixian’s headquarters to send more troops here." Qin Yu said concisely, "We can’t care about the battle damage in this first world war. If Gu Taixian doesn’t feel the pressure, it means that our plan has failed."
"Gu Taixian’s headquarters to reinforce the Northeast War Zone will be blocked by Wang Henan’s department," Lin Cheng said low. "Does Wang Henan’s department want to let a certain gap lead more troops into our circle?"
"No need!" Qin Yu shook his head. "You need to let Gu Taixian’s troops draw out a part!"
"White" Lincheng nodded.
"Wang Henan!" Qin Yu shouted one in the video.
"here!" Daya responded immediately.
"You should know who is in charge of the garrison brigade in the southwest of Gu Taixian’s department?" Qin yuwen
"clear!" Daya replied without hesitation, "We are old acquaintances!"
"Your tactical goal is to wait here for the decisive battle and start your first attack on this brigade. If you can capture the other commander alive, it will have a great impact on the war situation!"
"Yes!" Daya response
In the video, Gu Yan listened to Qin Yu’s words and his mouth twitched for a while before he said hoarsely, "If someone catches it, let me handle it."
"Can" Qin Yu nodded immediately.
Fengbei Army Base in Area 9
One hundred and ten regional military pilots led by Han Jingzhong have joined forces with sixteen military pilots from nine regions at this moment.
After the war meeting, the 196 soldiers went to the conference room of the main building of the military base to wait.
As time goes by, the Fengbei military base is constantly loading shells into the H-25 J-26 fighter.
A large number of ground soldiers kept transporting all kinds of equipment from the 17-meter-long tractor in the warehouse.
At the moment, the entire military base is protected by an anti-reconnaissance team composed of more than 1,000 people, and satellite signals interfere with regional martial law helicopter patrols, and a series of preventive anti-reconnaissance means departments have been moved to the table.
If the means of military investigation outside the region can be scanned here, then the base they see at this moment should be a black hole.
After a long wait.
Just walked into the conference room of the main building with a military senior colonel from Gengjingzhong District 9 after the meeting.
"close! !”
Gengjingzhong shouted a.
Waiting for the soldiers to get up and line up from their rest posts immediately.
Han Jingzhong took out a thick stack of white paper and bundles of brand-new black carbon pens from his bag, swallowed and said, "Line up to get the limit of ten minutes!"
After a long silence in the house, everyone lined up to get paper and pens as instructed, and Han Jingzhong found a quiet place to write after handing out the things.
Paper is formatted with the word "head up"
Han Jingzhong’s handwriting is beautiful and his pen is smooth. "To my favorite wife and children, Jingzhong’s body has been made public. When you read this letter, my fighter plane and I may have exploded in the enemy’s territory like the sun, which may be the last dive in our military career to make the last tactical move …!"
The room was quiet, and 190 people were silently writing that it was their closest relatives in the world, which also represented a kind of determination.
More than six o’clock in the evening